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Best Business Book Reviews By Paul Simister

Offensive Marketing by Hugh Davidson – 5 Stars

The full title of this book by Hugh Davidson is

Offensive Marketing: Or How to Make Your Competitors Followers

In my review posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave it 5 Stars. This means it is Excellent.

Here is my review.

The first great marketing book I read

Back in the mid 1980s, this was the first great marketing book I ever read and I must have read it half a dozen times in total. I’ve also bought the two updates of the book.

This is the book that taught me the POISE acronym for marketing: [continue reading…]

in 4 – Lead Generation, Best Business Books

In my review of

Summary: Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind: Review and Analysis of Ries and Trout’s Book

posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave the summary 4 Stars. This means it is Good and Well Worth Reading.

Here is my review.

Good summary of a classic marketing book

There are a vast number of marketing books available through Amazon but a few stand out as landmarks in the development of marketing and the underlying book for this summary is one of them. [continue reading…]

in Best Business Books

The full title of this book by Drayton Bird is

How to Write Sales Letters that Sell: Learn the Secrets of Successful Direct Mail

In my review posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave it Five Stars. This means it is Excellent and Very Highly Recommended.

Here is my review.

An excellent book for people interested in copywriting

When I first became self employed, I decided I wanted to split my time between small businesses and bigger businesses who had challenging projects. My problem was how to reach the key executives in these bigger companies. LinkedIn didn’t exist back then and my answer was direct mail. [continue reading…]

in 4 – Lead Generation, Best Business Books, Copywriting

The full title of this book by Leon Jay is

21 Business and Marketing Lessons From A Prostitute: Seductive Street Secrets From The Worlds Oldest Profession To Improve Your Results In Any Business

In my review posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave it 4 Stars.

Here is my review.

Interesting comparison done well for business owners who wouldn’t normally read business books

I ignored this a few times as salacious but then I gave in to the curiosity of my darker instincts.

In fact I had once thought of doing something similar by using prostitutes as a way of explaining the different dimensions of differentiation. I haven’t yet. [continue reading…]

in Best Business Books

In my review of

Summary: The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing: Review and Analysis of Ries and Trout’s Book

posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave the summary 4 Stars.

Here is my review.

The big picture of marketing

As a general rule, I think it’s well worth reading summary books by Trout and Ries. Books of X laws or Y tips or Z rules are particularly suitable because curiosity drives you to want to know what they are. [continue reading…]

in Best Business Books

No-Hype Copywriting by Marcia Yudkin

The full title of this book by Marcia Yudkin is

No-Hype Copywriting: The Keys to Lively, Appealing and Truthful Sales Writing

In my review posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave it 4 Stars.

Here is my review.

Well meaning guide to copywriting

I believe there is a big difference between he British and the Americans when it comes to selling and “hype”. We are more sensitive and likely to be put off by the appearance of a long for sales letter or a website that screams “we want to sell” badly disguised as “you will want to buy” copy. [continue reading…]

in Best Business Books

In my review of

Summary: Marketing Warfare: Review and Analysis of Ries and Trout’s Book

posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave it 4 Stars.

Here is my review.

How military strategy can be used in business

It’s many years since I read the full book but it’s one I’ve been intending to go back to and review. When I saw this summary available through my kindle unlimited subscription, it instantly appealed.

Just as armies fight over territories and the people in them, businesses fight over customers. The methods of waging war have changed dramatically over the centuries while the strategies have remained constant. [continue reading…]

in Best Business Books

Website & Marketing Mistakes Coaches Make by Brad Reed

The full title of this book by Brad Reed is

Website & Marketing Mistakes Coaches Make: 12 Critical Mistakes That REPEL Your Ideal Clients…And How To Avoid Them!

In my review posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave this book Four Stars. This means Good and Well Worth Reading.

A detailed and helpful guide to Internet marketing

The author writes well, explaining what he means convincingly and in enough detail to be useful without being boring.

If you’re like me and you’ve read quite a bit about internet marketing, there won’t be that much new but it is likely to be presented in a new way. The focus is on what potential clients will think. [continue reading…]

in Best Business Books

The full title of this book by Shlomi Shraga is

The Business Owner’s Scientific Marketing Handbook: How The Direct Response Marketing Legends Would Fix Your Broken Advertising & Sales System

In m,y review posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave the book Four Stars. This means it is Good and Well Worth Reading.

Here is my book review.

Good summary of direct response copywriting

The book started by reminding me of the 40/40/20 rule of direct marketing. This emphasises the critical importance of the audience and the offer.

The book then follows through talking about the market and finding the big idea as a bridge between customers needs and wants and your product or service. It then looks at the offer, bonuses and guarantee. [continue reading…]

in Best Business Books

The full title of this book by Robert Woodruff and Sarah Gardial is

Know Your Customer: New Approaches to Understanding Customer Value and Satisfaction

In my review posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave this book Four Stars. This means it is Good and Well Worth Reading, provided you don’t mind the academic nature of the book.

Here is my book review.

A challenging read

I read a great academic summary by Robert Woodruff on customer value and how you had to consider issues at the different levels of the customer’s thinking.

I was encouraged to buy this book, expecting to learn a lot. [continue reading…]

in Best Business Books