by Paul Simister
on June 6, 2018
What Was Your Profit Club?
Before my health problems started. back in 2009, I started working on a low cost membership website to help business owners to improve their performance using my improvement framework, the Eight Pillars Of Business Prosperity.
Along with my big health problems in 2009 and 2010 and my partner being diagnosed with cancer in between my two scares, I set up a website called Your Profit Club. At that time I was using the brand name Your Profit Coach so it was a natural extension. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on November 10, 2007
My business coaching approach was originally built around “The Eight Pillars Of Business Prosperity“. This blog still has this approach.
I believe that there are eight core elements or pillars to any business and you need to be working on each of them to get the best results from your business.
In fact any one of the eight could be a major constraint holding back your business at the moment, which when released, makes your business gain momentum. That’s important. Your focus should be on your biggest constraint, the area that is causing the most friction in your business money-making system. [continue reading…]