The full title of this book by Bradley J Sugars is
Instant Team Building: How to Build and Sustain a Winning Team for Business Success
In my review posted on, I gave it 2 Stars.
Here is my review.
Better than some Brad Sugars books but still not worth buying
This book turns out to be another skimpy overview of an important subject with a large dose of self promotion of ActionCOACH.
Here is what you get with page numbers so you can imagine the depth of coverage of the issues.
1 – Vision, mission and culture – surprise, surprise we have Action’s vision, Action’s mission statement, and Action’s 14 points of culture. (pages 1 to 9)
2 – Putting together the dream team – which covers the DISC personality profile (Dominant, Influential, Steady and Compliant) which is one of the leading personality tests. This chapter (the best in the book) gives brief tips on how each of the four dominant characteristics can be managed. It then looks at living styles (respect for self v respect for others) and working styles (same concept but in the workplace). (pages 11 to 27)
3 – Six keys to a winning team (pages 29 to 39)
3.1 – strong leadership
3.2 – common goals
3.3 – rules of the game
3.4 – action plan
3.5 – support risk taking
3.6 – 100 percent involvement/inclusion
4 – Getting the environment right – which touches on delegation, belief systems, values and identity, responsibility, accountability, making staff feel part of the family (pages 41 to 48)
5 – Putting systems in place (pages 49 to 56)
6 – Recruiting team members – the Action COACH recruitment system including advertising, selection, interviewing and appointment (pages 57 to 79)
7 – Getting the beliefs right – which is about getting your own act together so that you can lead by example (pages 81 to 103)
8 – Synergy which is basically some Action COACH general success stories – it would have been nice to have seen more relevance to the “Instant Team Building” book title. (pages 105 to 117)
The book finished with Action COACH self promotion finishing on page 140.
On the plus side, “Instant Team Building” is much better than some of the other Bradley Sugars books. It raises some interesting ideas and it is better written.
You can do better much better if you are looking for a book on team building and you don’t have to put up with the self promotion.