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No-Hype Copywriting by Marcia Yudkin

The full title of this book by Marcia Yudkin is

No-Hype Copywriting: The Keys to Lively, Appealing and Truthful Sales Writing

In my review posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave it 4 Stars.

Here is my review.

Well meaning guide to copywriting

I believe there is a big difference between he British and the Americans when it comes to selling and “hype”. We are more sensitive and likely to be put off by the appearance of a long for sales letter or a website that screams “we want to sell” badly disguised as “you will want to buy” copy.

After defining various aspects of hype, the author explains that you can be persuasive without resorting to tactics that make you feel tacky or even yucky. This happens in the bit of the ebook before the place the kindle is set to open.

She then gives a broad line outline for writing copy and then a series of tips to jazz it up. Of course, these can be exactly what makes copy feel like hype. The big exception is the tip to provide proof in the various forms. The fact is you can make big claims of fantastic results if you can substantiate them.

Copy is a question of balance. It needs to be persuasive and interesting to the target market but it shouldn’t scare away the cautious and those who have been burnt before.

As a copywriting book, I think this is good. As a book to teach no-hype copywriting, I’m not entirely convinced it gets to grips with things. I think you need to see things more from the potential buyer’s perspective. What they believe now and what they need to believe to buy. What do they want to know and need to know before buying? The copy needs to be the bridge to get the buyer excited and to remove the doubts.

If you want no-hype copy, I recommend The Brain Audit by Sean D’Souza. This makes the point that buyers need various key issues covered in the copy to believe that buying makes sense.

You can buy it at Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.com




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