The full title of this book by Jason McDonald is
“Social Media Marketing Workbook: 2017 Edition – How to Use Social Media for Business“.
In my review at, I gave the book a Four Stars rating. This means I consider it to be good to very good.
Here is my book review.
A very good, action focused guide to the main social media websites
I’m a social media sceptic when it comes to using the websites as marketing media. It works very well for some types of business but not others. It’s a great way to play, while justifying the time spent as working on marketing and promoting your business.
This book is so good that it makes a significant step in converting me from a sceptic to a believer.
It covers the main social media websites of Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest established.
It then makes it clear that what’s right for your business is a customised mixture and you should not over commit your time and spread your coverage too thinly. It also helps you to choose by describing the characteristics of the people who use these websites and what they want.
The book is supported by more resources on the author’s website including videos and worksheets. I got confused when I visited it on my phone but I intend to try again on my PC.
The advice is very practical and doesn’t oversell what the social media actions can do for you. It’s well past that early hype from a few years ago where everything you do in social media would turn to gold.
I’m very tempted to give this a 5 star rating but I haven’t for the following reasons:
1 – it’s a bit dull. Alas this is the curse of being so practical.
2 – some of the images float across the text in my kindle Android app.
3 – the book will get out of date very quickly.
4 – the author has a policy of updating the text each year creating a new book. I follow someone who does a similar thing with a book about search engine optimisation and he makes the update available free to subscribers for a few days. I don’t know if this author does but it’s a very customer friendly policy.
5 – I’m cynical of book upgrades. It’s easy to add in new features or even new social media websites. It’s also simple to make changes if something fundamental has altered. The difficulty lies in updating for minor changes and where the emphasis has moved because these subtle differences are easy to overlook.
6 – The exhortations to visit his website get tiresome.
7 – I’d liked to have seen more use of the Kindle table of contents. You can jump to the main chapters but I’d like to go at least one step beyond that level.
This looks a lot of little niggles but I still feel mean about not giving it a full five star recommendation. If you’re coming to this book in late 2016 or early 2017, this book is very highly recommended.
It is available to buy from and
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