by Paul Simister
on November 1, 2017
The full title of this book by W Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne is
“Blue Ocean Shift: Beyond Competing – Proven Steps to Inspire Confidence and Seize New Growth“.
In my review at, I rated the book at the FIVE Stars level, which means that I consider it to be excellent.
Here is what I posted.
A detailed how to guide for developing blue ocean strategies
I’ve been very impressed with the authors’ blue ocean thinking, ever since I read the early articles in the Harvard Business Review. I gave the Blue Ocean Strategy book a five star review.
When the revised Blue Ocean Strategy book was published several years ago, I appreciated the extended text and give it five stars again but I was a little disappointed as well. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on December 4, 2015
The full title of this important book by Michael Porter is
“Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance“.
In my review posted on, I gave this book a rating of Five Stars. This means I think it is Excellent and is Very Highly Recommended to anyone with a deep interest in business strategy and how competitive advantage is created.
Here is my book review.
Very challenging but very rewarding if you’re interested in competitive advantage
I first read this book in 1990 when I realised strategy was the subject that combined (and reconciled) my interest in finance and marketing. I’d been very impressed with his book, “Competitive Strategy” and wanted to understand more about how you create competitive advantage through cost leadership, differentiation and focus. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on June 19, 2015
When I reviewed this book, on,
“How to Create a Million Dollar Unique Selling Proposition” by Bill Bodri,
I gave it a Five Star rating.
This means that I think it is Excellent and is Very Highly Recommended.
Here is my book review.
A terrific resource to help you to define your business in a short statement
When I read this book it was called How To Write A Million Dollar Unique Selling Proposition but, given the very minor change in title, I’m sure it’s the same book.
It is the most comprehensive look at the topic of Unique Selling Propositions that I’ve seen and the author deserves a lot of credit to compile such an outstanding review. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on June 3, 2015
The full title of this book by Thomas Nagle and Reed Holden is
“The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing: A Guide to Profitable Decision Making“.
This book has been revised a number of times and my review refers specifically to the Third Edition. I have recently bought the Sixth Edition.
In my review posted to, I rated this book at the Five Stars level. It is Excellent (perhaps Brilliant is a better word) and is Very Highly Recommended to anyone who has to make pricing decisions in a reasonable sized business.
Here is my book review.
A superb review of pricing theory
Pricing is where your strategy is either tested and proven or fails. It is very much where the rubber meets the road.
The authors, Thomas Nagle and Reed Holden expertly walk a fine line that makes “The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing” work both as an academic textbook for MBA level students on a pricing module and as a guide for the serious practitioner of pricing who makes real decisions in a business. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on June 3, 2015
The full title of this often overlooked strategy book by Shiv Mathur and Alfred Kenyon is
“Creating Value: Shaping Tomorrow’s Business“.
In my review at, I rated this book as worthy of Five Stars. This means it is Excellent and Very Highly Recommended to appropriate readers.
Here is my book review.
A highly original look at how to differentiate products
This book could be the best strategy book you’ve never heard of.
It’s a fiercely original intellectual work which will challenge many of the traditional ways of thinking about business strategy. Unfortunately both authors have died so it can’t be updated beyond the second edition but Creating Value has lots of insight for any business strategist and especially anyone who is interested in differentiation.
It’s not the easiest of reads because it is so challenging to the mind. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on May 25, 2015
I gave the original version of Blue Ocean Strategy a five star review.
Blue Ocean Strategy Expanded Edition by W Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne
I’m happy to again give Five Stars to this updated version in my review posted on This means I think it is Excellent and Very Highly Recommended.
Yet I was left feeling disappointed. Read my review to find out why.
Even better and more comprehensive. A great guide to differentiation and finding new markets
I’ve been following the Blue Ocean approach since the authors started publishing articles in the Harvard Business Review in the late 1990s. Even though I had been introduced to some of the techniques before (and seen other versions of the strategy canvas elsewhere in the customer value literature), I loved the original book.
For me, the big question is whether this new version is worth buying if you already have the original? [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on May 23, 2015
I’ve been fascinated by the topic of differentiating a business or product/service for more than 20 years and I even have a separate blog called Differentiate Your Business.
Who Should Read This Book ?
- Business owners and entrepreneurs.
- Senior executives in big businesses.
- Product managers and marketing managers in big businesses.
- Business consultants, coaches and advisors.
Review Of Blue Ocean Strategy by W Chan Kim and Renee A Mauborgne
[continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on May 16, 2015
The full title of this book by Don Reynolds is
“Crackerjack Positioning: Niche Marketing Strategy for the Entrepreneur“.
In my review posted on, I gave the book Five Stars. This means I think it is Excellent and it is Very Highly Recommended.
Here is my book review.
This is inspiring, even if it doesn’t tell you how to do it
I thought this was a super book when I read the hardback version and wrote my review on my Differentiate Your Business Blog on May 3, 2011.
Since then, I saw it was going cheap as a Kindle and I bought it again although I can’t yet comment on the quality of formatting for Kindle.
This book is a very enjoyable, interesting and thought-provoking read for any small business owner who wants to build a unique position in a niche market. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on June 10, 2013
Jump Start Your Business Brain: The Scientific Way To Make More Money by Doug Hall
Book Review Rating – 5 Stars
I wish I had read this book many years ago.
It gives logical, statistical, scientific support for some of my marketing ideas and theories and it’s opened my eyes to many issues about creative thinking and innovation.
The Three Laws Of Marketing Physics
The book stresses that there are three laws of marketing which together create success: [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on May 7, 2013
Competitive and Corporate Strategy by Cliff Bowman and David Faulkner
Book Review Rating – Five Stars
This is a terrific book.
I believe it may be the best book ever written about business strategy.
It is even better than Michael Porter’s exceptional books “Competitive Strategy” and “Competitive Advantage” which are very comprehensive but I don’t think anyone would describe them as “easy-reads”.
Is Competitive and Corporate Strategy Really That Good?
In my opinion, Yes.
I can’t imagine being without it and the ideas on the customer matrix and producer matrix have gone into my coaching with some variations. [continue reading…]