by Paul Simister
on June 20, 2020
The full title of this book by Brad Sugars is
The Apprentice Billionaire’s Guide to Cashflow: Turn On the Cashflow and Keep Your Business Booming
In my review posted on, I gave the book a 4 Stars rating. This means it is Good to Very Good.
Here is my book review.
A very lazy update of Instant Cash Flow
The only book by Brad Sugars I’ve every recommended and refer back to regularly is called “Instant CashFlow“.
This is a lazily updated version because the original book has become very dated since it was published in 2000. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on June 13, 2020
The full title of this book by Charles E. Gaudet II is
The Predictable Profits Playbook: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Dominating Any Market – And Staying On Top
In my review posted on, I gave the book a 5 Stars rating. This means it is Excellent.
Here is my book review.
An excellent guide to business growth
I bought and read this outstanding book back in 2015 but for some reason, I didn’t review it [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on August 2, 2019
The full title of this book by Gino Wickman is
Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business
In my review posted on, I gave the book a 5 Stars rating. This means it is Excellent.
Here is my book review.
Comprehensive high level view of what to do to grow your business through internal excellence
I can understand why some ambitious entrepreneurs and business owners love this book. Its operating system makes a great deal of sense at a high level. While Michael Gerber’s classic small business book “The E-Myth Revisited” presents some similar ideas, this is much detailed and more of a “how to do it” guide. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on February 21, 2018
The full title of this book by Scott Hallman is
“The 7 Success Drivers to HyperGrowth: How America’s Fastest Growing Entrepreneurial Companies Achieve Greatness“.
In my review at, I rated the book at the FIVE Stars level, this means that I consider it excellent.
Here is what I posted.
Packed with important lessons
Many years ago, I bought an excellent audio training product by the author that provided detailed implementation advice for Jay Abraham style marketing and profit building strategies. Since then he’s been one of my favourite experts and I’ve been looking forward to the time when he publishes his first book. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on September 14, 2016
The full title of this potentially misleadingly titled book by Dan Bradbury is
“Breeding Gazelles: Fast Growth Strategies For Your Business“.
In my review on, I gave the book a rating of Four Stars. This means I think it is good.
Here is my book review.
Well worth reading for anyone who wants to grow their company
This is an important book that looks at why so many small businesses get stuck between the £500,000 and £1 million level of sales and what has to be done to make the transition into becoming a gazelle company with a consistent high growth rate that continues year after year.
Basically it can be summed up by the phrase “what got you here, won’t get you there.” [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on December 2, 2013
The full title of this book by the founder of the ActionCoach business coaching franchise, Brad Sugars is
“Instant Cashflow: Hundreds of Proven Strategies to Win Customers, Boost Margins and Take More Money Home“.
In my review posted on, I gave this book Four Stars. This means it is Good and Well Worth Reading.
Here is my review.
In my opinion, this is the only Brad Sugars book worth buying. Do you agree?
This is the only Brad Sugars book that I recommend to any of my business coaching clients or prospects.
It’s a long list of ideas for improving your business in terms of sales revenue, profit and ultimately cash flow. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on June 7, 2013
How To Systematically And Consistently Attract First Rate Customers by Dov Gordon
Book Review Rating – 5 Stars
Dov Gordon is known as the Alchemist Entrepreneur and is a business coach based in Israel who specialises in helping business owners to attract better quality customers and clients.
He is also a friend of mine.
What makes Dov different from the crowd of business coaches who believe they can help you to get more customers is that he has a special focus on clear thinking. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on May 11, 2013
In my review of this book,
21 Quick Ways to Get More Clients by Kevin Donlin,
I gave it Four Stars.
This means I think it is Good and Well Worth Reading.
Here is my book review.
A marketing book for owners who don’t want to read a marketing book
This is a light, easy to read book about marketing and how to get more customers and clients.
If you read plenty of marketing books, then you won’t learn much. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on May 8, 2013
The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes
Book Review Rating – 5 Stars
This is the long-awaited book from Chet Holmes. The full title is “The Ultimate Sales Machine: Turbocharge Your Business With Relentless Focus on 12 Key Strategies.”
The Big Idea in The Ultimate Sales Machine
People over-complicate what is needed for business success.
Chet Holmes believes you just have to:
Focus on 12 key strategies rather than trying to master hundreds of different ideas and techniques.
You implement these 12 strategies with pigheaded discipline and determination.
I fully commend the last point. Too often people try something that looks a great idea in a half-hearted way. They are then disappointed with the results, decide that the idea wasn’t so good after all and move on to the next big thing. [continue reading…]