by Paul Simister
on December 11, 2015
The full title of this book by Bradley J Sugars is
Successful Franchising: Expert Advice on Buying, Selling and Creating Winning Franchises
In my review posted on, I gave it 1 Star.
Here is my review.
One of the worst books every written by an expert in the subject
This is a shocker.
The book is so bad that I had to go back and remind myself about my own rating scale:
– 2 Stars – Poor -This book doesn’t belong in your library.
– 1 Star – Unreadable – This book should never have been printed and the waste of the trees is criminal. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on December 11, 2015
The full title of this book by Bradley J Sugars is
Instant Team Building: How to Build and Sustain a Winning Team for Business Success
In my review posted on, I gave it 2 Stars.
Here is my review.
Better than some Brad Sugars books but still not worth buying
This book turns out to be another skimpy overview of an important subject with a large dose of self promotion of ActionCOACH.
Here is what you get with page numbers so you can imagine the depth of coverage of the issues. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on December 9, 2015
The full title of the book by Bradley J Sugars is
Instant Referrals: How to Turn Existing Customers into Your #1 Promoters
In my review posted on, I gave it 3 Stars.
Here is my review.
A simplistic look at referrals but not as bad as some in this series
This book promises to tell you how to build a “referral based business that grows by itself.”
I haven’t been impressed with many Brad Sugars books but this is not too bad. It’s not up to the standards of Instant Cashflow but much better than the dreadful Successful Franchising book. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on December 2, 2013
The full title of this book by Bradley J Sugars is
The Business Coach: A Millionaire Entrepreneuer Reveals the 6 Critical Steps to Business Success
In my review posted on, I gave it 2 Stars.
Here is my review.
Don’t let this book put you off business coaching
I worry that small business owners will be put off the idea of working with business coaches by this book. It promises so much more than it delivers. It boils down to a long advertisement for his business coaching franchise, ActionCoach. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on December 2, 2013
The full title of this book by the founder of the ActionCoach business coaching franchise, Brad Sugars is
“Instant Cashflow: Hundreds of Proven Strategies to Win Customers, Boost Margins and Take More Money Home“.
In my review posted on, I gave this book Four Stars. This means it is Good and Well Worth Reading.
Here is my review.
In my opinion, this is the only Brad Sugars book worth buying. Do you agree?
This is the only Brad Sugars book that I recommend to any of my business coaching clients or prospects.
It’s a long list of ideas for improving your business in terms of sales revenue, profit and ultimately cash flow. [continue reading…]