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Financial Mindset

New Beliefs About Money

This is an article from P2M3 Your Mindset & Beliefs in the Pillar 2 Your Inner Game

Develop Positive, New Beliefs About Money

The Highlights

  • Recognise & throw away the old beliefs and create new positive beliefs with affirmations
  • The reward for creating value through innovation
  • See money as a tool – used how you decide
  • See the good money can do for you, family, friends, employees and society
  • Pressure to “give back” but entrepreneurs already give – customers, employees, suppliers
  • Beware – negative people who suck you down
  • Average income based on the average of the five people you spend most time with?

Abandon the Bad Thought About Money By Overprinting Them With Positive Beliefs

This is going to take some effort. [continue reading…]

in 2 – Your Inner Game

Self Limiting Beliefs About Money

This is an article from P2M3 Your Mindset & Beliefs in the Pillar 2 Your Inner Game

(Danger repeated exposure to this section can damage your wealth)

Dangerous, Self-Limiting Beliefs About Money

From childhood onwards we learn some damaging beliefs about money summed up by popular phrases.

You’ve probably heard your parents say some or all of these and you may have said them to your children.

Even if you don’t say them out loud, the voice in your head may be saying them to justify why you don’t have more money and why you don’t want more money. [continue reading…]

in 2 – Your Inner Game

Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker

The full title of this book by T Harv Eker is

Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind: Think Rich To Get Rich“.

In my review on Amazon.co.uk, I gave it a rating of Four Stars. This means I consider it to be good to very good.

Here is my review.

Much more insightful than you might expect

Self help books about getting rich, like this one, may make you feel yucky. I know I’m deeply suspicious of anything that looks or sounds like a “get rich quick” scheme designed to feed false hope to poor people and rip money away from them.

That’s how I feel anyway, when I move from sensible business books to “woo woo” psychology. [continue reading…]

in Best Business Books