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Book Reviews About Getting Unstuck

What’s Stopping You? by Robert Kelsey

The full title of this book by Robert Kelsey is

What’s Stopping You?: Why Smart People Don’t Always Reach Their Potential and How You Can

In my review posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave it Three Stars.

Here is my review.

Starts well but finishes limply

I’ve bought this book twice. The first time it was recommended by someone in my mastermind and the second time, I saw it on Amazon and thought it looked interesting because I was interested in constraints and why people get stuck.

I’d forgotten I’d read it the first time until the book arrived and it all looked incredibly familiar. I buy and read a lot of business books but I can’t remember ever buying one I’d forgotten I’d already read. It says a lot about the small impact of the book on me. [continue reading…]

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Turn Around Your Business by 5 PM by Maurice Stein

When I reviewed the book

Turn Around Your Business by 5 PM

by Maurice Stein, I gave it a four stars rating. This means I consider it to be in the range of good to very good.

Here is a copy of my review on Amazon.co.uk.

The title of this book gives the wrong impression but it is good for business owners who feel stuck

I’m reading and reviewing quite a few turnaround management books at the moment which describe how to rescue a business at risk of failure.

Before starting to read this one, I thought I was going to criticise the 5 pm part of the title. Turnarounds are tough, and while they need urgent action, you can’t do everything in a day, or as many business owners will think, three quarters of a day. [continue reading…]

in Best Business Books

Business Turnaround in 7 Easy Steps by John Quinn

In my review of the book

Business Turnaround in 7 Easy Steps by John Quinn

posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave it 3 Stars.

Here is my review.

A short guide to help you improve your business

I’m not keen on the title of this book. Turning around a business is rarely easy and, perhaps the most difficult step (not in the book) is accepting that you need to take urgent actions to save your business. Too often business owners leave it too late which is why failure rates are so bad. [continue reading…]

in Other Business Books

The Unstuck Process by Robert Middleton

The full title of this book by Robert Middleton is

The Unstuck Process: 12 Powerful Questions That Create Breakthrough Results“.

In my review at Amazon.co.uk, I gave the book a rating of Four Stars. This means I consider it to be in the good to very good range.

Here is a copy of my review.

A book to help you eliminate your limiting beliefs

Although this book is written by a business coach, its scope is much wider.

It is generally accepted that beliefs, thoughts, feelings and actions are linked together in a chain. [continue reading…]

in Best Business Books

Unstuck by Kenyon Blunt

The full title of this book by Kenyon Blunt is

“Unstuck: How Businesses Get Stuck & How Your’s Can Get Unstuck”.

In my review on Amazon.co.uk, I gave the book a Four Stars rating. This means I consider it to be good or very good.

Here is my review.

A very good book for business owners who are stuck

This is a very good book written to help business owners who feel stuck and want to get unstuck.

This is an area of special interest for me and in another book review, How to Get Unstuck: 25 Ways to Get Your Business Growing Again, I committed to reading and reviewing all the books on being stuck and getting unstuck. [continue reading…]

in Best Business Books

How to Get Unstuck by Barry Moltz

The full title of this book by Barry Moltz is

How to Get Unstuck: 25 Ways to Get Your Business Growing Again“.

In my review on Amazon.co.uk, I gave the book a Four Stars rating. This means I consider it to be in the range of good to very good.

Here is my review.

An interesting look at common mistakes and how to fix them

I help business owners get unstuck but, until recently, it had never occurred to me that there would be plenty of books on the subject. It’s my intention to review them all.

This is an interesting look at common mistakes made by business owners in terms of sales and marketing, finance, managing people etc. As well as identifying the causes of the mistakes, the book also reveals how to fix them. [continue reading…]

in Best Business Books

The Sticking Point Solution by Jay Abraham

The full title of this book by Jay Abraham is

The Sticking Point Solution: 9 Ways to Move Your Business from Stagnation to Stunning Growth in Tough Economic Times

In my review posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave it Three Stars. This means it is Worthwhile.

Here is my book review.

Disappointing book, lacking structure and organisation

I’m a big fan of Jay Abraham. He received help from Internet marketing guru, Rich Schefren, and I’m a big fan of his too but I thought this book was very disappointing for the people writing it.

Of course, my expectations were high, perhaps too high because I think Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got: 21 Ways You Can Out-Think, Out-Perform, and Out-Earn the Competition is essential reading for entrepreneurs and business owners. [continue reading…]

in Other Business Books

The full title of this book by Jimmy Akela is

10 Tips for Scaling Up Your Business When Life Gets Crazy: Use These Tips and Get Your Business Ready to Scale Up and Get Growing!

In my review on Amazon.co.uk, I gave it Three Stars. This means it is Worthwhile.

Here is my review.

Short and sensible but nothing special

This book is very short but it’s hard to argue against the ten tips which mainly look at issues of finance, team and the entrepreneur’s mindset.

It’s the kind of report that is normally given away for free as part of a lead generation process. If you’re facing the problems of scaling-up, you’ll want a much more substantial book. If you can read it for free because you have a kindle unlimited subscription, it’s worth looking at.


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in Other Business Books

In my review of

Summary: The Sticking Point Solution: Review and Analysis of Abraham’s Book

posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave this summary Three Stars. This means it is Worthwhile.

Here is my review.

Not the place to start with Jay Abraham

I’m a very big fan of Jay Abraham ‘s ideas for developing a business and I help business owners who are stuck, get unstuck.

I should love the full book (The Sticking Point Solution) and this summary but I don’t. Perhaps part of the problem is that my expectations are sky high and it’s tough to match, let alone exceed them.

The other problem is that I don’t feel this book is well conceived or well executed. It has the feel of a book hurried out to meet a publishing deal. There’s too much crossover between the identified sticking points and that means the solutions merge into each other. It also rehashes old Abraham concepts rather than introducing much new insight.

Many of the best ideas from Jay Abraham ‘s extraordinarily careers have been borrowed by those of us who follow, often without proper credit back to this author. If you’re a business owner or entrepreneur, you need to be familiar with the main concepts but it’s much better to start with Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got: 21 Ways You Can Out-Think, Out-Perform, and Out-Earn the Competition.

I’m sorry but I thought the full book was dull but I thought I’d try through summary version in case I’d missed something. This is also dull. The ideas are valid but they’ve been expressed much better elsewhere.


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in Other Business Books

We have more things to do than time to do them in and this is why these summaries of well known books can be so useful. They capture the big ideas without the padding.

Summary: The E-Myth Revisited: Review and Analysis of Gerber’s Book

I have a love and hate relationship with the full book, The E-Myth Revisited.

Will the summary have the best bits without the worst? Yes, it’s excellent and I gave the summary a full FIVE stars rating in my review on Amazon.co.uk.

Here is my book summary review.

An excellent summary that gives you the important ideas of Michael Gerber without the irritating bits

I believe The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It is one of the most important small business books ever written. I recently wrote a blog article about the 12 best business books for business owners and it was the first I mentioned. Not because it provides all the answers but it does a great job of highlighting the problems and their causes. [continue reading…]

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