by Paul Simister
on October 11, 2016
The full title of this book by Steve Young
Emotional Intelligence for Marketing: Positive + Negative = Positive
In my review posted on, I gave it 1 Star.
Here is my review.
Message to author – proof read it, give it to someone else to read, edit it and then try again
They might be some good ideas buried in the book but I can’t stand it.
The writing is awful and I can’t believe the author proofread it even once, let alone passed it on to someone else to read for feedback and corrections.
I suppose the clue should have been in the way the book was listed on Amazon, by “Steve young”. If someone can’t even be bothered to get their own name listed properly, I shouldn’t have any expectations of the book.
My advice to the author is to proofread it, give it to someone else to read, edit it and then try posting it on Amazon again.
by Paul Simister
on May 9, 2016
The full title of this book by Dr Treat Preston is
Psychological Triggers – Triggers That Cause Buyers to Open Their Wallets
In my review posted on, I gave it 2 Stars.
Here is my review.
Best avoided
This isn’t the book I was expecting to read at all.
It is packed with marketing tips but there doesn’t seem to be any structure or order with them and they are written in a very irritating style that doesn’t flow. Most points start off with “Always …” or “be sure to…” or “Never…”. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on February 3, 2016
In my review of this book,
Marketing In Less Than 1000 Words by Rob Burns
posted on, I gave it Three Stars. This means Worthwhile.
Here is my review.
Why does this exist?
I’m not sure who this book is for. 1000 words means on average about 3 pages of A4. You either want to know something about marketing or you don’t. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on December 22, 2015
The full title of this book by John C is
The Right Keys: Secret Marketing Strategies That Will Help You Sell Anything
In my review posted on, I have it Three Stars. This means Worthwhile.
Here is my review.
I don’t understand why I didn’t like this more
This is a fairly concise, low price book about marketing to the emotions.
It’s not badly written and it contains sensible, practical advice supported by examples. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on December 18, 2015
Reality In Advertising by Rosser Reeves
This is considered to be a classic market text as it introduced or at least popularised the concept of unique selling propositions.
Does it stand the test of time?
In my review posted on, I rated the book at the Five Stars level. This means I think it is Excellent.
Here is my book review.
A marketing classic and a delight to read
This is the famous book credited with popularising the concept of the Unique Selling Proposition. It was first published in 1961. Can a book that is fifty years old have anything to teach us about advertising and marketing?
You bet it does. It starts with perhaps the most powerful statement I’ve read in a business book.”It cost $1,000,000,000 to write this book. We spent that much of our clients’ money and made many mistakes to isolate these principles.” One billion dollars – in 1961! Who knows how much that would be in today’s money. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on December 11, 2015
The full title of this book by Dan Kennedy is
“The Ultimate Sales Letter: Boost your sales with powerful sales letters, based on Madison Avenue techniques“.
In my review posted at, I gave the book a Five Stars rating. This means I think it is Excellent.
Here is my book review.
My copy shows plenty of signs of use and that’s probably the strongest recommendation I can give.
When I look at my copy of this book, it shows all the signs of use – the spine cracked, various sections underlined in different colours, others asterisked and there are comments in the margin.
This is a book I go back to when I am preparing to write a sales letter because it is a) very good and b) very well organised. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on December 11, 2015
The full title of this book by Seth Godin is
Permission Marketing: Turning Strangers Into Friends And Friends Into Customers
In my review posted on, I gave the book Three Stars.
Here is my review.
A good idea that has dated as our needs change.
You are bombarded with thousands of advertising messages each day. There is only have one way to react to maintain your sanity – to develop a stronger screening mechanism so that the more messages you see and hear, the more you don’t even have to even think about them to ignore.
You literally just don’t see them. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on December 9, 2015
The full title of this book by John Barnes and Richard Richardson is
Marketing Judo: Building Your Business Using Brains Not Budget
In my review on, I gave the book Three Stars. This means Worthwhile.
Here is my book review.
An interesting concept but I’m not sure the ideas transfer to most small businesses
This is designed as a book for anyone who wants to build a brand but doesn’t have a big budget. It tells the story of how the authors risked everything to create a worldwide brand for Harry Ramsden’s fish and chips.
I like the book name and the imagery that attaches to it where you can use other people’s strength and power to your own advantage. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on December 8, 2015
The full title of the book by Chris Stiehl and Henry Devries is
Pain Killer Marketing: How to Turn Customer Pain into Market Gain
In my review posted on, I gave it 3 Stars.
Here is my review.
Potentially an interesting topic but the book was too broad in its scope
The book is about articulating the pain that your customers commonly experience and then showing that you have the solution to give them benefits and gains. My first impressions were very good. I learnt something from the first page of chapter 1 which was the fear of pain creates a continuum between the two extremes – confrontation and avoidance. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on December 8, 2015
The full title of this book by Dan Kennedy is
No B.S. Direct Marketing: The Ultimate. No Holds Barred. Kick Butt. Take No Prisoners Direct Marketing for Non-direct Marketing Businesses
In my review posted on, I gave it Three Stars.
Here is my review.
Too little Dan Kennedy and too many pitches by his devoted followers
I wanted to like this book based on the title and my high regard for Dan Kennedy. I had expectations of adding it to my list of books I like my clients to read.
Too many businesses make basic marketing mistakes because “advertising media” salespeople and graphic designers like pretty marketing. [continue reading…]