by Paul Simister
on September 23, 2019
The full title of this book by David Abbott is
How to Price Your Platypus: Using an Understanding of Customer Psychology to Maximise Prices
In my review posted on, I gave the book a 4 Stars rating. This means it is Good to Very Good.
Here is my book review.
A plain talking, practical guide to pricing
Pricing is a major lever for improving profitability by adjusting margins and sales volumes but there are many factors to consider.
That’s why simple but sub-optimal pricing techniques like cost plus (standard markup) and charging the same as your competitors are often chosen even if it means leaving profit on the table.
This book goes into plenty of the issues but does it in an easy-to-read, plain-talking way that guides you through practical techniques for setting your prices.
Inevitably this means there are compromises made and the scope of the book is wide. There’s a big difference between setting your own prices and forcing potential customers to make the buy or don’t buy decision… or where prices are “negotiated” with a powerful buyer like the supermarkets.
I recommend this to business owners. Marketing consultants will need something more substantial.
You can buy the book from or
Get To Know Me
by Paul Simister
on June 9, 2018
In my review of
Why Your Customers Suck by Jon McCulloch
posted on, I gave the book Three Stars.This means it is Worthwhile.
Here is my book review.
You have bad customers because of your bad decisions
This is a book mainly about pricing and positioning.
If you’re not familiar with the phrase positioning, it means your place in the market. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on December 12, 2016
The full title of this book by Steve Prescott is
“Pricing Strategies for Winners: The ultimate guide to pricing strategies and how to never sell cheap again“.
In my review at, I gave the book a Four Stars rating. This means I consider it to be good to very good.
Here is my book review.
A great reminder that you can charge high prices if you commit to delivering high quality and great service
This book focuses on premium pricing. This means being the, or one of the highest priced suppliers in your market.
If you look at any market, you’ll see different businesses charging different prices. Cars, hotels and even something as everyday as bread have the same pattern. There’s a range of products from low price, low quality (low value) products through to high price, high quality (high value) product and service combinations. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on December 10, 2016
In my review of the book
Resisting Pricing Pressure in Recession & Recovery
by Rupert M Hart posted on, I gave it Three Stars.
Here is my review.
An important topic but the book could be better
Pricing policy is often made without much thought at the best of times. It becomes critical in a recession when volumes are down, customers are very price conscious and want reductions and competitors are a hair trigger away from starting a price war. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on December 10, 2016
In my review of the book
The Price is Great by Alejandro Mijares Ortiz
posted on, I gave it 2 Stars.
Here is my review.
The price may be great but the book isn’t
Hiding in this book are some good points that summarise research on how we respond to prices. Even though it’s short, it would be worthwhile and rated at 3 stars. Add in more research and examples and the rating can go up to 4 stars.
However it’s very hard to absorb the ideas because of the way the book is written. It is impossible to recommend even as a Kindle Unlimited download. The price of the physical book is ridiculous.
Note to the author. Get yourself a good editor who will be cruel to be kind. Sentences are badly constructed, paragraphs are too long and there are spelling mistakes. It will be a painful process but you’ll finish with a much better book.
by Paul Simister
on November 9, 2016
The full title of this book by Cynthia Kocialski is
“Perfect Pricing in One Simple Lesson: Find Your Pricing Edge, Attract More Customers, and Earn More Profit“.
In my review ,on, I gave this book a rating of Four Stars. This means I think it is good.
Here is my book review.
A nice guide to the important issue of pricing
The key importance of pricing is often overlooked by business owners who find themselves guessing a suitable price and hoping for the best.
A change on prices up or down is often the main cause of changes in profits. Perhaps counter intuitively an increase in prices offset by a small reduction in volume is often more profitable than slashing prices to sell more. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on November 7, 2016
The full title of this book by Lawrence Steinmetz and William Brooks is
“How to Sell at Margins Higher Than Your Competitors: Winning Every Sale at Full Price, Rate, or Fee“.
In my review at, I gave the book a rating of FIVE stars. This means I think it is excellent.
Here is my book review.
Packed with great tips and advice on how to withstand pricing pressure from buyers
The content in this book is fantastic for anyone in business who comes under pricing pressure, either directly from customers or from sales people who have limited selling skills beyond offering discounts.
I tell my coaching clients that price is where your strategy hits the road and is truly tested. To increase sales, you need to offer better value than competitors but it’s so much nicer when those customers believe your product or service is worth more. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on December 9, 2015
The full title of this book by Ron Baker is
“Pricing on Purpose: Creating and Capturing Value“.
in my review posted on, I gave the book a rating of Four Stars. This means I think it is Good.
Here is my book review.
Has some excellent content for value pricing but it is long-winded.
The author is responsible for changing the thinking of many accounting and legal professionals on how they should be pricing their services. He advocates moving away from fees based on clocked hours and moving towards fees based on the value of the work done to the client. This book moves value-based pricing out of professional services and into the mainstream. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on November 21, 2015
The full title of this book by Bob Oros is
More Gross Profit: Increase Your Gross Profit On Every Sale Starting Right Now
In my review posted on, I gave it 3 Stars.
Here is my review.
A book of sales tips that include how to resist price pressure
I’m a believer in the old maxim “turnover is vanity but profit is sanity” so I welcome books that focus on profit or margin growth.
However this proved to be a disappointment because it wasn’t the book I was expecting from its title. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on June 12, 2015
The full title of this book by David J. Pannell is
How to Influence Buying Criteria and open doors to More Business, Better Margins in Less Time
In my review posted on, I gave it 3 Stars.
Here is my review.
Worth reading if price versus value is a consistent problem
This book looks at the issue where customers focus on price when there are clear differences in value between competing products. The challenge for the sales person (this book is sales rather than marketing focused) is to open up the conversation. [continue reading…]