The full title of this book by Brad Sugars is
The Apprentice Billionaire’s Guide to Cashflow: Turn On the Cashflow and Keep Your Business Booming
In my review posted on, I gave the book a 4 Stars rating. This means it is Good to Very Good.
Here is my book review.
A very lazy update of Instant Cash Flow
The only book by Brad Sugars I’ve every recommended and refer back to regularly is called “Instant CashFlow“.
This is a lazily updated version because the original book has become very dated since it was published in 2000.
After a bit of waffle and explaining the Business Chassis which is ActionCoach’s derivative of Jay Abraham’s Three Ways To Grow A Business model, you get a claimed 280 plus tactics to generate leads, improve lead conversions, increase average order values, more transactions and better profitability etc.
Each tactic has a brief explanation with a few tips and a rating out if 5 with a few asterisks added to denote the really, really important ideas.
I haven’t done a point for point comparison with the original book but my overriding impression is that very little has changed. I quickly checked the lead generation category and more tactics have been dropped than added yet the number claimed hasn’t changed. This is hard to pick up because they are not numbered.
This means that, if you own Instant CashFlow, you don’t need this book.
It also appears that ActionCoach have learned little since the original book was published. I find that hard to believe that because so much has changed.
When I think back to how we used to buy and sell back in 2000, the Internet and social media has revolutionised the way business is conducted. There has been a huge shift in knowledge and power from the seller to the buyer.
Facebook now gets a brief mention as a source of pay-per-click advertising along with Google Ads.
Otherwise websites, the internet and all the issues of digital marketing, social media including review sites and forums are all pretty much ignored.
My rating could be anything from 2 stars to 5 stars depending on your type of business.
If you do a lot of business on the Internet, don’t bother with it. This is a fast moving area but I like the books by Ryan Deiss.
If your business is all offline and you don’t want to go online, then the big value of this book is in the list of tactics rather than what it actually says.
When I talk to business owners, it’s very easy for them to say “I’ve done everything I can think of to increase my sales”. This book challenges that view and it is the most extensive list of ideas I can think of in the public domain. There are other tips books and the Guerrilla Marketing later books listed 200 “weapons” including much more on the internet. That’s ironic as that author, Jay Conrad Levinson died in 2013.
I’m giving this a kind 4 stars. It is valuable but the updating could and should have been much better done.
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