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The Jay Abraham Giveaway – 50 Shades Of Jay

Jay Abraham is a hero of mine.

When I moved my focus from helping medium sized businesses within groups to smaller owner managed businesses, I became addicted to his marketing ideas and even had a blog called the Jay Abraham Addict.

If you read or browse through my book reviews, you’ll know that I gave two of his books a five star recommendation.

Getting Everything You Can Out Of All You’ve Got

The Mr X Book aka Money Making Secrets Of Marketing Genius Jay Abraham…

For those in the know, he is a legend and ambitious business owners have paid astonishing amounts for his advice in $5,000 to $25,000 courses.

Over the last couple of years, he’s been refocusing and sharing his ideas to give back to the community of business owners and entrepreneurs.

It’s something called the 50 Shades Of Jay and there is an astonishing amount of information here. In the last few weeks he’s been encouraging people to share this treasure trove with others.

So here I am telling you about it.


The amount of information here is in many ways overwhelming but I’m confident you’ll find something that is relevant to your current business needs.

There is also something special, hidden away on a secret link.

It’s a download of a course called “How To Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be.”

and he calls it his Secret Shade.

This is a 12 session course he did with Nightingale Conant before the Internet became popular. There is plenty here that is still relevant.

This is one of the best things that he’s done. Detailed but concise and to the point.

I paid about £150 years ago and it has a permanent place on my business mp3 player.

If you search his website, you can find it.

Get To Know Me




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