The full title of this book by Seth Czerepak is
The Sexy Sales Letter Formula: How To Use “Value Mechanics” To Craft Smoking Hot, Seductive Sales Letters.
In my review at, I gave the book a Four Stars rating. This means I consider it to be good to very good.
Here is my review.
An interesting look at the issues involved with copywriting for different buyer stages and personalities.
I read this book because I thought the author’s first book, The 24 Hour Marketing Miracle was excellent.
That book introduced the ideas of value mechanics based on axiology and as this had the same topic in the subtitle, I thought it would be the main focus of the book.
It isn’t.
That’s a shame but we’re still left with a very interesting book that looks at the issues involved with writing a sales letter for different buyer types and personalities.
In some ways, it is a bit overwhelming as you get the theory and examples of copy for the different types to allow you to compare and contrast. Unfortunately this means you’re reading the same letter with twists and nuances which is good in theory but a bit tedious in practice.
One example was about selling copywriting services and I’m forced to wonder if the author is being deliberately manipulative. There are frequent exhortations to get in touch with him anyway.
Once again the book is easy to read but there are far too many mistakes which effective proofreading should have picked up.
Considering that there is plenty of good info here, it’s frustrating that the kindle table of contents isn’t more helpful.
I recommend you read the 24 Hour Marketing Miracle book first. It’s not a requirement for understanding this book but it is better.
It is available to buy from and
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