This book,
“The Ultimate Small Business Marketing Book” by Dee Blick,
is amazingly popular on with small business owners but has made little impression on
I gave it a FOUR stars rating in my review. This means I consider it to be in the good to very good range.
Here is my review.
A good summary of marketing ideas for getting new customers
As a business coach, I read a lot of books about marketing and, with so many five star reviews, I couldn’t ignore this book.
Strangely it has taken me nearly three years to finish reading it which says something about the book.
What I Don’t Like
First, the title. The word Ultimate is too big a claim. Is this book really “the best there will ever be”? No it isn’t so it’s immediately promising more than it delivers and that’s a bad marketing example to set in these days of cynical customers and over-inflated claims from suppliers.
Second, I feel the book is weak conceptually. It lacks an organising framework and a big idea.
Third, it lacks surprises. The reason why it has taken so long to read is that I’ve read it all before, elsewhere. Every time I search on Amazon for “marketing” books, I’m reminded this exists and sometimes I’ll go go back and read some more, only to drop it for something more interesting.
Fourth, I don’t remember it having much to say about marketing to existing customers and building customer lifetime value. I highlight interesting sections and there’s nothing on this vital topic.
What I Like
The book is written in an easy to read, conversational tone. It’s not dry, stuffy or boring even though it’s a big book.
The author sensibly brings in other experts in areas she feels should be included in a marketing book but where her own knowledge is insufficient for the standard of book she’s aiming for.
Third, it is very practical. I can understand why other reviewers have found plenty to do after reading this book. It includes examples of successful direct mail letters, one of her favourite techniques to reach targeted customers and, coincidentally one of mine.
Its balance between scope and depth is well judged. Marketing is a huge topic and lengthy books can be written about tight specialisms
The book covers many of the main techniques for finding first time customers in enough detail to be helpful.
This is a good book on marketing for small businesses and owners can expect to gain insights from reading it unless they’ve already read extensively.
It’s not the ultimate marketing book and nor is it the only book you need.
I feel Duct Tape Marketing Revised and Updated: The World’s Most Practical Small Business Marketing Guide is a better structured book for getting new customers.
Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got: 21 Ways You Can Out-Think, Out-Perform, and Out-Earn the Competition adds vital knowledge to increase subsequent business from customers.
This book by Dee Blick is available to buy from and
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