The full title of this book by Richard Halbread is
Copywriting: For Beginners! How To Write, Persuade & Sell Anything To Anyone Like A Pro With Copy
In my review posted on, I gave the book Two Stars.
Here is my review.
A book about having a career as a copywriters and not about writing copy
This wasn’t the book I was expecting from the title. Copywriting For Beginners, How to Write, Persuade, & Sell.. sounded like a book teaching copywriting skills to me.
It’s more about having a career as a copywriter.
It describes some of the different types of copywriting and the personal attributes of someone thinking about working as a copywriter.
There was nothing in here about the type of companies that have copywriters on their staff or how to be self-employed and attract copywriting clients. Nor were there tips on how to improve your copywriting skills.
This wasn’t the book I wanted to read but I thought I might learn something from it as I work in a similar role. I didn’t.
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