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Scenario Planning

Scenario Planning

This is part of the P3M2 module from the Pillar 3 Your Strategic Market Positioning.

Scenario Planning – How To Deal With Major Uncertainty In The Future Economic Environment Of Your Business

The Outline

  • Technique is not recommended for most small businesses
  • Build alternative views of the future world and test strategies in each world.
  • “Fork in the road” e.g. UK & EU
  • Collective learning for the team
  • Some foresight better than none
  • Increases awareness – Boiled Frog syndrome
  • Disruptive change may be unpredictable

First I should make it clear that I don’t recommend this for 95% of small businesses.

However if you are facing a major uncertainty in the future, it is a powerful way to help you to work through the different options and decisions. [continue reading…]

in 3 – Your Strategic Positioning

Scenario Planning For Times Of Uncertainty

A few years ago I believed that scenario planning techniques were too complicated and time consuming for many small businesses to focus on.

I saw scenario planning as a strategic planning tool for big companies but small and medium sized businesses were better off putting together their plan on most likely assumptions and then get on with implementing it.

I was wrong.

While scenario planning still won’t be right for many smaller businesses – what they get out from the exercise won’t be worth the time and effort they put in – for some, using effective scenario planning techniques is the only was to make sure that the strategy is robust enough to cope with alternative future realities.

[continue reading…]

in 3 – Your Strategic Positioning