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Internet Marketing

How To Scale Your Online Business Quickly

Rich Schefren is one of my business heroes, and here he gives advice on how to scale your online business quickly in this 7-minute video.

It’s relatively easy to start a business, but much more difficult to grow it to a level where it means your income and lifestyle objectives. Too often, business owners work too many hours for too little money.

Here is the video, and I’ll give you some more thoughts below it.

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in Internet Marketing, Scaling Your Business

How To Create An Information Product

Rich Schefren is one of my business heroes, and here he gives advice on how to build a flagship product your customers buy for life in this 2-hour video.

Rich first came to my attention with his excellent Business Growth System coaching/training program back in 2007 or 2008.

The foundation for a successful and sustainable business is to have a high-quality, flagship product that’s packaged in an irresistible offer.

Here is the video.

In this video, he discusses the Founders Club which was one of my favourite Internet marketing membership sites.

in Internet Marketing

Top 10 Lessons For Entrepreneurs

Rich Schefren is one of my business heroes, and here he gives advice on the top ten lessons for entrepreneurs in this 11-minute video.

While Rich is most famous for helping online entrepreneurs, these points will resonate with anyone who runs a business that operates mainly offline.

Here is the video.

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in 2 – Your Inner Game, Internet Marketing, Scaling Your Business

How To Scale Your Business

Rich Schefren is one of my business heroes, and here he gives you ideas on how to scale your business by boosting the one metric that really matters.

Again and again, I’ll emphasise how important your metrics are in helping to guide your decisions and actions. It is NOT busywork.

Here is the 96-minute video. Be prepared to take notes.

in Internet Marketing, Scaling Your Business

Digital Marketing Trends For 2021

Rich Schefren is one of my business heroes, and here he gives you his thoughts on the critical digital marketing trends that are emerging in 2021.

The video is over 2 hours long so get yourself a drink and use your journal to take notes of ideas you want to remember. I’d even recommend you break down the video into several sessions so that you keep your concentration rates high.

Here is the video.



in 4 – Lead Generation, 5 – Lead Conversion, Internet Marketing

How To Create An Irresistible Offer

Rich Schefren is one of my business heroes, and here he gives you his tips on how to craft an irresistible offer, an offer your strong prospects realise they can’t refuse or ignore.

In my six steps profits formula, I refer to this as an irresistible promise because I like to emphasise that it comes with your commitment to deliver the benefits the customer expects to receive.

You’ll find a lot on this subject on this website since it is a topic that fascinates me in terms of how you create something uniquely special to a targeted group of customers and how you put the offer into words.

Anyway, here is the video from Rich. It’s just over two hours long, so get yourself a drink and be ready to take notes in your journal.

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in 3 – Your Strategic Positioning, Copywriting, Internet Marketing

5 Questions To Create An Online Business That Works

Rich Schefren is one of my business heroes, and here he gives you five questions to answer to help you find an online business opportunity that will work.

The questions are:

1) Who is Your Target?

2) What Specific Problem Are You Solving?

3) What is The Market Size?

4) What is Your Business Model?

5) What is The Solution?

Here is the video.

in Business Start-Ups, Internet Marketing

How To Start An Online Business That Succeeds

Rich Schefren is one of my business heroes, and here he gives you his ideas on how to start an online business that works.

This is a very long video – 2.5 hours, so take it in short bites – YouTube conveniently remembers where you are in a video, but I also write down my break times, so I can go back to it if the automatic facility doesn’t work.

in Business Start-Ups, Internet Marketing

Digital Marketing Strategies For 2021

Rich Schefren is one of my business heroes, and in this 10-minute video, he gives you thoughts on the best digital marketing strategies for 2021.

It’s hard to keep up with what keeps changing, and you need to be wary about spreading your time and energy too thinly by trying to cover too many areas.

The ideas Rich covers are:

#1 – Clubhouse
#2 – Live Streaming
#3 – YouTube
#4 – Reputation Management
#5 – Influencer Marketing
#6 – Repurposing Content

Here is the video.

in 4 – Lead Generation, Internet Marketing

How To Get Online Customers Fast

Rich Schefren is one of my business heroes, and in this 11-minute video, he gives you his best four strategies for getting online customers quickly.

in 4 – Lead Generation, Internet Marketing