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Jay Abraham

How open are you to new ideas?

Do you use your experiences to identify new ways you can improve your business?

To use Jay Abraham’s terms, do you have tunnel vision or funnel vision?

The Three Types Of Business Owners & Managers

In my experience there are three types of business managers (in large or small businesses): [continue reading…]

in 2 – Your Inner Game, 4 – Lead Generation

Jay Abraham’s Strategy Of Preeminence

The Strategy of Preeminence is a fundamental mindset attitude in the work of Jay Abraham, the American marketing genius.

Quite simply it is the ability to put your client’s needs ahead of your own. To do what is in their best interests and to show that you really care about making their lives better through your product or service.

The Importance of the Strategy Of Preeminence

It will make you and your business stand out from the crowd and it lies very much as a core philosophy of my own customer focused entrepreneur concepts. [continue reading…]

in 3 – Your Strategic Positioning