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Moments of Truth by Jan Carlzon

The full title of this famous book by Jan Carlzon is

Moments of Truth: New Strategies for Today’s Customer-Driven Economy“.

In my review posted at Amazon.co.uk, I rated the book at the Four Stars level. This means I think it’s Good and Well Worth Reading.

Here is my book review.

A powerful story of leadership for customer service

Jan Carlzon shares the story of his turnaround of three Scandinavian airline businesses and in particular the biggest – SAS – in the early eighties.

The focus is on customer service and leadership and in particular empowering the front line who deal with customers to deliver powerful moments of truth and make this a classic leadership for customer service book.

The customer’s experience is made up of many individual moments of truth which may be good but can be bad. Since the book looks at airlines, think lost baggage, delays, long check-in queues etc. it would be easy for many small business owners to dismiss the importance of Moments of Truth since it is about big business, in Scandinavia (with a unique culture) and more than 25 years old.

That would be a mistake.

Just because your business doesn’t have the huge chain of command that goes with a big business, it doesn’t mean that your employees understand and commit to your vision or that your customers get great service at each of your moments of truth.

The book is inspiring and while it is easy to say “my business is different”, the lessons on leadership and customer service can be applied everywhere since we all have our moments of truth.

It is available to buy from Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.com.


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