Best Leading Your Team Books
Your staff can be a great asset or they can be a weakness depending on how well they are selected, managed and led.
Here are books to help you strengthen your team and turn them into an advantage over your competitors.
Best Books On Leadership, Managing & Recruiting People
You will only see the books I’ve rated at Four Stars (meaning good and well worth reading) and Five Stars (excellent and very highly recommended). Reviews of lower rated books appear on but I haven’t brought the reviews across to my own website.
If you read my reviews, you’ll see I try to explain why I like them but also to identify any weaknesses. My job as a reviewer is to help you to find the most appropriate books rather than to help sell more books.
On that note, if you do decide to buy, I’d appreciate it if you could click through to Amazon on my links as (hopefully) I’ll earn a small referral commission.
Some of these books can be very expensive so, if you’re happy with a hard back or paperback book, take a look at the second hand options on Amazon. Personally I only buy if the condition is described as “As New” or “Very Good” unless I’m really keen and forced to drop down to “Good”.
Other Categories of Business Books That May Interest You
Business Books For Women – Business Novels – Business Planning – Business Start-Up – Business Turnaround – Coaching – Customer Service – Getting Unstuck – Inner Game – KPI & Performance Measurement – Persuasion – Project Management – Recession – Retail Business – Systems –
Paul Simister is a business coach who helps business owners who are stuck, get unstuck. If your business is based in the UK, you can have a free Business SOS consultation with me to help you get unstuck.
by Paul Simister
on August 2, 2019
The full title of this book by Gino Wickman is
Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business
In my review posted on, I gave the book a 5 Stars rating. This means it is Excellent.
Here is my book review.
Comprehensive high level view of what to do to grow your business through internal excellence
I can understand why some ambitious entrepreneurs and business owners love this book. Its operating system makes a great deal of sense at a high level. While Michael Gerber’s classic small business book “The E-Myth Revisited” presents some similar ideas, this is much detailed and more of a “how to do it” guide. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on June 2, 2018
The full title of this book by Sam Deep and Lyle Sussman is
Act On It: Solving 101 of the Toughest Management Challenges
In my review posted on, I gave the book a rating of Four Stars. This means it is Good and Well Worth Reading.
Here is my book review.
A handy reference to keep within arm’s reach
Some may think Google has made this book redundant. If you have a question, you can just go to your favourite search engine and ask “the wise men” out there.
Personally I feel there is still a use for the book. It’s hard to know who is giving the answers on Google and whether they are qualified. Yes you can read three answers but what if they are all fools? [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on February 6, 2018
The full title of this book by Verne Harnish is
“Scaling Up: How a Few Companies Make It…and Why the Rest Don’t“.
In my review at, I rated it as a FOUR Stars book, meaning that I think its in the range of good to very good.
Here is what I posted.
How you can grow past the normal constraints on growth
This is an interesting book which looks at how you can push past the constraints which stop most businesses from growing.
It’s split into four sections – people, strategy, execution and cash.
I started reading it and throughout the People section, I was convinced this was going to be a five star book but, the more I read, the more I was tempted to knock off one star. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on December 13, 2016
The full title of this book by Kenneth Blanchard, Patricia Zigarmi and Drea Zigarmi is
“Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Through Situational Leadership“.
In my review at, I gave the book the book a FIVE STARS rating. This means I think it is excellent.
Here is my book review.
The third excellent One Minute Manager book
This is the third One Minute Manager book I recommend without hesitation. The others are the update of the original book The New One Minute Manager (The One Minute Manager) and The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey (The One Minute Manager).
The original book introduced a simple model based on management by goals/objectives. The Monkey book stops delegation going badly wrong as you try to e supportive in the wrong way. This book introduces situational leadership although it’s probably more accurate to call it situational management. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on December 7, 2015
The full title of this book by Gary Cohen is
“Just Ask Leadership: Why Great Managers Always Ask the Right Questions“.
In my review posted to, I gave the book a rating of Four Stars. This means I think it is Good and Well Worth Reading.
Here is my book review.
A good book to dip into when you come up against a new management problem
The book is written on the premise that leaders are much more successful if they ask their team questions to focus attention and action rather than if they issue commands on the basis of “I’m the boss. I know best and you must do what I say.”
The book is based on interviews with nearly 100 highly effective leaders as well as the author’s own knowledge and experience. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on December 7, 2015
The full title of this famous book by Jan Carlzon is
“Moments of Truth: New Strategies for Today’s Customer-Driven Economy“.
In my review posted at, I rated the book at the Four Stars level. This means I think it’s Good and Well Worth Reading.
Here is my book review.
A powerful story of leadership for customer service
Jan Carlzon shares the story of his turnaround of three Scandinavian airline businesses and in particular the biggest – SAS – in the early eighties.
The focus is on customer service and leadership and in particular empowering the front line who deal with customers to deliver powerful moments of truth and make this a classic leadership for customer service book. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on November 27, 2015
The full title of this book by Cameron Herold is
“Double Double: How to Double Your Revenue and Profit in 3 Years or Less“.
In my review posted on, I rated the book at the Four Stars level. This means it is Good and Well Worth Reading.
Here is my book review.
Helps good companies become great
The aim of this book is to help entrepreneurs to double sales and profit in 3 years. That’s the equivalent of 25% growth per year thanks to the magic of compounding.
I thought this was a well written book for helping good companies to become great. It’s particularly strong on leadership, organisational culture and team building. It also has some useful tips on how to grow within a recession including some that are counter-intuitive. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on May 2, 2013
The One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard & Spencer Johnson
Book Review – 5 Stars
If you have problems managing your team then I highly recommend this short, simple, easy to read The One Minute Manager.
The One Minute Manager – Simple Ideas Make A Big Difference To How Well Your Employees Work
The big ideas in the One Minute Manager book come down to three simple techniques
That is all there is to it. [continue reading…]