The full title of this book by Oren Klaff is
“Pitch Anything: An Innovative Method for Presenting, Persuading, and Winning the Deal“.
In my review at, I gave it a rating of Four Stars. This means I think it is good.
Here is my book review.
A fascinating approach to making a pitch about your business
A psychologist turned marketer recommended this book to me because of the way it links marketing back to the way our brains work and I read it with interest.
The author raises finance from investors and institutions by pitching a business idea. The suggestion is that the method can be transferred over to B2B and B2C sales with great success but I’m not convinced. That may be because I have a built-in bias against pitch selling, preferring a much more consultative sales approach to trying to understand what the customer needs. Some of the ideas can be incorporated into a sales presentation with good effect and without being obviously manipulative.
I was intrigued when I first read the book and looking at my copy, a significant amount is highlighted. They have however alerted me to a problem because when I’ve gone through them again, I remembered little from the first reading. The book brings many of the ideas I’ve encountered before like the reptilian brain, frame control etc but I haven’t retained a key message or concepts.
The method is based around the STRONG process:
– Set the frame,
– Tell the story,
– Reveal the intrigue,
– Offer the prize,
– Nail the hookpoint, and
– Get the deal.
Whilst the author calls this “neurofinance”, I’m a fan of taking lessons from neuroscience and psychology in general and applying them to marketing. Too often, sales and marketing clashes with the reptilian brain, called in this book the crocodile brain. This is the most primitive part of our thinking processes that kick in automatically and is designed to protect us from serious harm. It acts as a very strong filter to the more rational brain and gets bored quickly.
I feel the method suggested requires a lot of self confidence that will suit extroverted people better than introverts. Are you ready for the battle to set your frame up against the people you are talking to, ready to crush them and take advantage? I had similar issues with Robert Ringer’s book called “Winning Through Intimidation”.
At the moment I don’t feel that I’ve got the best from this book and should find the time to go back to it when my mind is more receptive to the ideas. At the moment, I feel that the ideas are interesting but don’t align with the real me. This is a book that I recommend because it will challenge some of your basic assumptions about the way you conduct business.
It is available to buy from and
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