Reviews of Sales Training Books
Reviews of Sales Training Books
If you only want to focus on the books I’ve give 4 & 5 stars, click over to the best Sales Training Books or if you want the very best, here are the 5 Star Sales Training Books.
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by Paul Simister
on April 26, 2019
The full title of this book by Chuck & Evan Polin is
Selling Professional Services the Sandler Way: Or, “Nobody Ever Told Me I’d Have to Sell!”
In my review posted on, I gave the book a 3 Stars rating. This means it is Worth Reading.
Here is my book review.
Wide ranging look at marketing and sales of professional services
This book sets out to show that any professional can bring in new clients and it’s not just the province of the mysterious “rainmakers”. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on April 9, 2019
The full title of this book by John Rosso is
Prospect the Sandler Way: A 30-Day Program for Mastering Stress-Free Lead Development
In my review posted on, I gave the book a 5 Stars rating. This means it is Excellent.
Here is my book review.
How to prospect without crushing your soul
Picking up the telephone and calling someone who could/should be interested in what you sell forces you to confront the possibility that person may not be receptive at this time.
This book will help you to do it without crushing your soul. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on March 21, 2019
The full title of this book by Steve Thompson is
The Irresistible Value Proposition: Make the Customer Want What You’re Selling and Want It Now
In my review posted on, I gave the book a 4 Stars rating. This means it is Good to Very Good.
Here is my book review.
This presents the value proposition at the time of selling a particular deal to a particular customer
The author advises on deal-making, about 50% of the time selling and 50% buying. This gives him an excellent perspective of what you need to do to understand and communicate value and why our business is the one to choose. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on October 22, 2018
The full title of this book by Jo DiMisa is
The Fisherman’s Guide To Selling: Reel in the Sale – Hook, Line, and Sinker
In my review posted on, I gave the book 3 Stars. This means it is worthwhile.
Here is my book review.
The metaphor got tedious for me as someone not interested in fishing
I’ve come across fishing as a metaphor for selling a few times. It’s one I think works well and I’ve even used it myself to explain why you need to sub-divide your market to create marketing which is more likely to create enquiries from customers.
It’s easy to understand you need to decide which type of fish you want to catch first before doing whatever is necessary to catch the fish. You have to look in the right place, you have to use the right bait and you need the skills to tempt the fish to bite and then land the fish. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on June 23, 2018
The full title of this book by Bob Oros is
How Small Companies Get Big: A Simple Technique That Could Double Your Business
In my review posted on, I gave it 2 Stars.
Here is my review.
Not focused, more about sales tips
The book starts by talking about the need to have a GPS system to guide you in your business, which starts by making sure you have a clear destination in mind. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on June 23, 2018
The full title of this book by Bob Oros is
Give Me One Good Reason to Buy: How to Identify and Sell Your Unique Sizzle
In my review posted on, I gave it 2 Stars.
Here is my review.
Ignore the title, this is a book of sales tips
This sounds like a book about finding and explaining your USP, the important customer benefit that is only available from your business.
This author is notorious for not sticking to the expected point and it doesn’t take long for him to lose focus and start wandering around the issues involved with personal selling. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on June 7, 2018
The full title of this book by Julian Moore is
The James Bond Cold Reading: A Re-Imagining Of The Classic Reading.
In my review posted on, I gave the book a Four Stars rating. This means it is Good and Well Worth Reading.
Here is my book review.
A clever idea
The idea of using a short James Bond plot to help you cold read is very clever, as are the underlying,12 classic lines.
Inevitably it will still take effort to learn them and even more to practice using them in a love situation. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on May 5, 2018
In my review of
Asking Questions The Sandler Way
by Antonio Garrido posted on, I gave the book Three Stars. This means it is Worthwhile.
Here is my book review.
Questions are the only way to find out what the customer is thinking.. unless you’re a psychic
As an introvert, it has always seemed obvious to me that you should ask questions during the sales process. After all, I’m happier listening than talking.
Unfortunately the stereotype image of the fast talking sales person is one who charms, persuades and convinces with his or her confidence. It sounds good until you get in the sales process as the buyer and then, most of all, you want to be heard and understood. You want to buy through right product and not be sold something unsuitable. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on April 20, 2018
The full title of this book by Greg Nanigian is
In my review at, I gave it a FOUR star rating, meaning I consider it to be good to very good.
Here is what I posted.
More details of the Sandler Pain Step
I find the Sandler Selling System appealing in many ways although I’ve seen it used to bail out of potential relationships too early and recognise that it can be used to manipulate buyers or to give the appearance they are being manipulated.
This book provides a detailed look at the pain step, used to uncover emotionally powerful reasons for the buyer to buy. It also explains where pain lies in the “Sandler Submarine” so that you have a brief understanding of the entire system. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on April 10, 2018
The full title of this book by James T. Squire is
“Get Them Buying: The Secrets to Not Competing on Price“.
In my review at, I have given it a four star rating meaning that I rate it as good to very good.
Here is what I posted.
A wide ranging book that helps you sell without reducing prices
At its heart, this is a book about selling but it takes a wide ranging view of the issues. This is NOT a traditional sales book that will teach you how to handle objections and manipulate or pressurise buyers to close the sales.
Included in the book are: [continue reading…]