We have more things to do than time to do them in and this is why these summaries of well known books can be so useful. They capture the big ideas without the padding.
Summary: E-Myth Mastery: Review and Analysis of Gerber’s Book
I had mixed feelings about the E-Myth Mastery book by Michael Gerber.
When I reviewed the summary on Amazon.co.uk, I gave it a rating of Four Stars, the same as for the full book.
Here is my book review.
Summary without the dreadful bits but light on the good bits
Gerber’s earlier book, “The E-Myth Revisited” was strong on important concepts for business owners but it was light on details. The full version of this book puts that right by sharing important parts of the E Myth coaching course for a fraction of the price.
Unfortunately the full book has a major problem for anyone who found the syrupy story of Sarah and her All About Pies bakery business uncomfortable reading. There is much more here along with other self indulgent nonsense.
The summary of “The E-Myth Revisited” works really well but how does well this capture the important elements?
Fortunately it totally ignores the Gerber excesses and gets straight down to summarising the contents from the seven disciplines :
– -Leadership which in this context means the business plan and key performance indicators
– Marketing – identifying your target market customers and differentiating the business
– Financial – pricing decisions and cash flow
– Management – managing the culture and developing the systems manuals
– Fulfilment – improving the processes
– Lead Generation – getting the marketing message in front of customers
– Lead Conversion – a simple sales process and the importance of keeping focus on existing customers
These sections make plenty of good points but the key weakness is carried over from the full book. Gerber wasn’t prepared to give away all the initial E Myth contents so there are important gaps missing like recruiting staff or understanding financial performance.
The summary inevitably misses out on important details because the business advice sections are tightly written and hard to condense.
I’ve given the summary the same 4 star rating as I gave the full book assuming you skipped over the bad bits. If you’re short of time or not much of a reader get this knowing that if you like it, you might buy the full book. If you’re particularly interested in the E Myth ideas, get the full book.
It is available to buy from Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.com.
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