The full title of this book by Bradley J Sugars is
Successful Franchising: Expert Advice on Buying, Selling and Creating Winning Franchises
In my review posted on, I gave it 1 Star.
Here is my review.
One of the worst books every written by an expert in the subject
This is a shocker.
The book is so bad that I had to go back and remind myself about my own rating scale:
– 2 Stars – Poor -This book doesn’t belong in your library.
– 1 Star – Unreadable – This book should never have been printed and the waste of the trees is criminal.
It’s also a book that drives me crazy. It’s a ramble through the foothills of what Brad Sugars knows about franchising, promising a lot but delivering virtually nothing. The author knows a lot about successful franchising but he doesn’t reveal any of his secrets in the book.
Bradley Sugars is the founder of ActionCOACH, the world’s biggest business coaching franchise. This book should have been a cracker but it is a major disappointment!
I find it difficult to believe that Brad Sugars wrote this book (and I have since heard that he used ghostwriters) but that doesn’t absolve him of responsibility for the poor quality of Successful Franchising. I’ve seen him present live at his “Billionaire In Training” event and he is a great communicator. Not everybody’s “cup of tea” but I found him funny, entertaining, compelling and with a good message but not one of those adjectives fits this book.
Much of the text of Successful Franchising looks as if it has been cut and pasted from other books and resources. There are few joins and the writing is in very dry, text book style rather than a dynamic management book style. In other places the writing is unbelievably sloppy.
At least the book is short. Before we get the Action COACH advertising copy, the book runs out on page 118. You can always read the 29 pages promoting Action COACH at the end. You probably won’t want to because the 118 pages are already scattered with praise for Action COACH.
It is horrid and it completely fails in its goals. You won’t learn how to franchise your business with this book or learn how to buy a franchise.