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How To Business Guides

How To Develop KPI

If KPI are important and the name:

  • Key
  • Performance
  • Indicators

gives the game away, it begs the question, how do you develop KPI?

What Erica Olsen Has To Say

I thought this was a nice, short introduction video on how to develop KPI from a strategic perspective.

[continue reading…]

in 1 – Your KPI

How To Get Your Business Mojo Back

Your business mojo governs how excited you are about your business and how motivated you are to drive it forward to better results.

I have identified 21 reasons why your business isn’t the success you want in my article

>>> How To Improve Your Business By Solving Problems At The Source

I’ve split the causes into three general areas:

  1. Those problems coming from you, the business owner – sorry but I have to tell it how it is.
  2. Those problems coming from within the business.
  3. Those problems that come from your market and industry

The #1 problem on the list is…

Have You Lost Your Mojo For Your Business? [continue reading…]

in 2 – Your Inner Game

Marketing and sales can be split into two activities:

  • Generating leads
  • Converting the leads into sales orders and customers

Is this where marketing and sales divide with the marketing staff responsible for generating leads and the sales department responsible for turning the leads into money?

Sometimes it is but often a lot of conversion can be done in the marketing.

This article will focus on the conversion side of the process but if you want to first look at lead generation, I recommend the following:

>>> Understand The Customers In Your Market And Find Unexploited Opportunities

>>> How To Help Prospective Customers Find Your Business

>>> Where To Promote Your Business To Your Target Customers

>>> Reach Out To Your Target Customers

The Basic Principles Of Lead Conversion [continue reading…]

in 5 – Lead Conversion

How To Reach Out To Your Target Customers

This is the fifth marketing tip in a series based on

>>> Being Good At Marketing Isn’t A Nice-If But A Must Have

Marketing Tip 5 – Outreach Marketing – Reach Out To Your Target Customers

If you have done your market research,

>>> Understand The Customers In Your Market And Find Unexploited Opportunities

you should be in a good position to start a proactive outreach marketing campaign to contact your target customers.

The two main direct response methods that small businesses can easily use are:

  • Direct mail and email
  • Telemarketing

[continue reading…]

in 4 – Lead Generation

How To Help Prospective Customers Find Your Business

This is the fourth marketing tip in a series based on

>>> Being Good At Marketing Isn’t A Nice-If But A Must Have

Marketing Tip 4 – Search Marketing – How To Help Your Prospective Customers Find Your Business

Ask yourself where prospective customers will look to find out more about their problem, potential solutions and possible suppliers.

How can you encourage them to call you and not your competitors?

You’ll find out when you read the rest of the article.

Will Your Prospective Customers Look In The Yellow Pages?

How can you make your advert stand out and encourage a prospect to call you? Your advert is surrounded by all your competitors, all shouting for attention so it has to connect with what your customers want. [continue reading…]

in 4 – Lead Generation

How To Get Credit Customers To Pay Faster

Following up on the articles

>>> How To Increase Cash Receipts In A Cash Flow Forecast

>>> How To Get Payments In Advance From Customers

we will look at credit control and the issue of…

How To Get Credit Customers To Pay Faster

There are two issues with collecting the cash for sales made on credit accounts:

  • the agreed credit period – when payment is due.
  • getting the money on or around the agreed payment date.

[continue reading…]

in 1 – Your KPI

How To Get Payments In Advance From Customers

Following up on the article

>>> How To Increase Cash Receipts In A Cash Flow Forecast

We will look at the issue of getting payments in advance of doing the work from your customers.

How To Get Payments In Advance From Customers

One of the fastest way to increase cash receipts in your cash flow forecast is to ask for receipts in advance (although you would ask customers to pay in advance from their perspective). [continue reading…]

in 1 – Your KPI

If you need to improve your cash flow, you have three options:

  • Increase the cash receipts into your business
  • Reduce the cash payments going out of your business
  • Best of all, do both.

This article will focus on the first…

How To Increase Cash Receipts In A Cash Flow Forecast

First the basics:

What Cash Receipts Can A Business Have? [continue reading…]

in 1 – Your KPI

If you’re frustrated or disappointed with the way your small business is performing, it is time to improve it by solving the problems and constraints at source.

The good news is that by reading this article after searching the Internet and landing on my blog, it shows that you’re getting ready to make the changes you need to make your business profitable with a positive cash flow.

Admitting to yourself that you have a problem which needs to be solved is a big step in itself and, of course, it is the first vital step to finding a solution.

That puts you well ahead of the many owners who suffer from the day-to-day grind of keeping their businesses alive but for some strange reason, aren’t prepared to do anything about it.

I’d like to offer you a FREE coaching / mentoring or advice session on the telephone or Skype that lasts for about 60 minutes – I call it my Second Opinion Session (click on the link) and the acronym SOS seems very appropriate if you feel it’s time to call for help.

Remember, you’re not on your own. Just about every business owner has problems and you might like to take part in the one question survey I have on my website, asking you to identify your biggest problem anonymously >>> What Is The Biggest Problem You Have? (click on link)

Improvement Depends On The Right Diagnosis Of The Business Problems

Something is holding your business back and making it hard for you to have the success you want.

There is a famous saying… [continue reading…]

in Business Problems And Mistakes

How To Get More Leads That Are Qualified

First lets’ look at the difference between leads and qualified leads.

Leads are people (or businesses) who contact your business and express an interest in your products and services.

Qualified leads are people who have a want or need to buy your products and services and have the ability to pay for them.

Why Is There A Difference Between Leads And Qualified Leads? [continue reading…]

in 4 – Lead Generation