I pay a lot of attention to Brian Tracy because he always provides concise, insightful advice. In this short video (less than 4 minutes), he provides on how to work smarter by being more focused on how you spend your time.
Time Management
I pay a lot of attention to Brian Tracy because he always provides concise, insightful advice. In this 4-0minute video, he explains how you can develop an action mindset.
I have recently enrolled in Simpleology 5.9 as an Elite member and I thought I’d share my experience and thoughts.
Background to my experience with Simpleology
Back in the days before my health problems overwhelmed me, I used to be a big fan of Mark Joyner (the founder), Simpleology (the self management system) and the training products, mainly various kinds of marketing and persuasion.
I was also quite a good affiliate, since I was happy to recommend the products I liked. sadly the affiliate system changed at around the time I was at my weakest and I lost touch with what Mark was doing. [continue reading…]
To answer the question “How much profit should my business make?”, we need to look at the market cost of the resources it uses.
You probably already pay market prices for your supplies and staff but the two areas that may be heavily subsidised are what the business gets from its owner – management time and money invested.
Lets put a value on your time.
The Market Cost Of Your Time
I want you to look at what you do in your business – all the many hats you wear from salesperson, copywriter and Internet expert…to the things necessary to deliver your product or service…to the administration and bookkeeping. [continue reading…]
I believe your time as the business owner is enormously valuable and is often the biggest constraint that limits improved performance in the business.
And how well you use your time – which we will look at in Pillar 2 Your Inner Game – has a major impact on how well your business performs. [continue reading…]
It’s common practice to think about maximising your return on money invested and to have some kind of measure to track it but do you consider how to maximise your return on time?
The twin problems of:
- Lack of time; and
- Having too much to do;
are common issues for business owners and they can contribute to the business getting stuck in a rut. The business owner wants to move forward but seems unable to take the actions necessary.
This is why the thinking in the Stop Start More Less Matrix is important. It recognises that, to do something new or to do more of something good, you have to buy time from yourself.
Time is finite. No one has more than 24 hours in a day or 168 hours in a week.
Your task is to get the most out of the hours you choose to work in those 24 hours. In other words, your aim is to maximise your return on time. I first blogged about Return On Time in June 2009 while I was thinking about the importance of respecting the attention and time of your customers. [continue reading…]
The full title of this book by Ken Blanchard, William Oncken Jr and Hal Burrows is
“The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey: Free Up Your Time And Deal With Priorities“.
In my review on Amazon.co.uk, I gave the book a FIVE STARS rating. This means I think the book is excellent.
Here is my book review.
If you’re rushed off your feet, this book might be the answer
When I first read read this book in the early 1990s, it was a huge wake-up call.
No wonder there weren’t enough working hours in the day as I allowed my staff’s monkeys to jump onto my shoulders. [continue reading…]
I’m watching the promotional content for a new product launch called Profit Hacks which is all about helping Internet entrepreneurs to get more done in less time.
This is very relevant to me as I spend a significant proportion of my working time information marketing.
It’s got me thinking about what I do and the way that I do it.
And I don’t like what I see very much. [continue reading…]
The secret to getting more done is to leverage your time more effectively.
OK that’s:
a) Obvious
b) Easier said than done.
The key question is:
How can I get more out of what work I’ve already done or work that I’m about to do?
It’s back to the old adage of “working smarter, not harder”.
There’s a new course coming out called Profit Hacks.
Should you buy it?
I don’t know. It depends on your own situation (in terms of your time management and productivity problem and the money you have available) and whether the course is good enough to justify the premium price.
I’ve been given access but I don’t have the time to go through it to give you an honest opinion. I also have to say that while a lot of the course is already there, there are plenty of videos that are coming later.
I believe that you should pay attention to the pre-launch promotion / training materials.
It will get you thinking about how well you do leverage your time and the work you’ve done.
I watched the first launch Profit Hacks to the house list of Rich Schefren and it made me think about what I do and where I could be achieving much more.
A good technique to get you to focus on where you focus your time is The Stop Start More Less Grid.
Do you get distracted easily when you are trying to do something important?
The phone rings, the email pings, someone pops into your office and asks “Just Got A Minute…?”
It is so easy to be interrupted but the end result can be devastating. You spend long hours “working” but you are not satisfied with what you have achieved at the end of the day.
The answer is to be very disciplined about time chunking. [continue reading…]