The full title of this book is
“Startup Guide to Guerrilla Marketing: A Simple Battle Plan for First-Time Marketers“.
In my review posted on, I gave the book a rating of Four Stars. This means I think it is Good.
Here is my book review.
A good place to start building your knowledge of Guerrilla Marketing
While much of the scope of this book is also covered by the main “Guerrilla Marketing” book and you do have to ask whether you need both, the “Startup Guide To Guerrilla Marketing” has certain advantages and disadvantages.
The “Guerrilla Marketing” book is dense. Small type, long paragraphs and few breaks, headings or contrasts. This has a much clearer presentation which makes it easier to look at and read.
The “Startup Guide” also has a more action bias in that there are exercises and forms for you to fill in to help you to apply the Guerrilla Marketing ideas to your business.
There is too much overlaps for someone to own both unless they are truly committed to Guerrilla Marketing.
With this book, you don’t get any detail behind the 200 Guerrilla Marketing Weapons – just the list.
What do you get with the book? It has has the following chapters
1 – Where to start
2 – The personality of a Guerrilla Marketer
3 – Guerrilla Marketing yourself
4 – The high powered weapons in your office
5 – Marketing fact to face
6 – The top ten attributes of a Guerrilla Marketer
7 – The top ten attitudes of a Guerrilla Marketer
8 – Guerrilla marketing defined
9 – The research you must do
10 – Writing a benefits list
11 – Developing a meme
12 – Selecting your Guerrilla Marketing weapons
13 – Creating a seven sentence Guerrilla Marketing plan
14 – Planning a Guerrilla Marketer calendar
15 – Establishing a web site
16 – Fusion marketing
17 – Launching your attack
18 – Maintaining your campaign
19 – Keeping track
20 – Improving your marketing
21 – Putting it all together
22 – Succeeding with a Guerrilla Marketing Attack
The book is put together in a logical order and is well written and easy to read. The presentation is good and the book is easy on the eye.
I would have liked to see examples included in the book for the seven sentence Guerrilla Marketing plan. This is such an important tool that is uniquely focused, flexible and adaptable.
Unfortunately that very flexibility can create some confusion and some of my Guerrilla Marketing coaching clients struggle to “get it” at the first attempt.
The reason given is that the prepared plans may create bias and stifle your creativity but I believe the opposite. In my view it would help people to understand the logic and how the sentences can link together rather than be unconnected or duplicate.
It is a very good book but I wish there was an up-to-date companion book that gave you help using the techniques and tactics.
It is available to buy from and
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