Best Profit Improvement Books
Reviews of the Best Profit Improvement Books
The ultimate effect of just about all books about business management is to see an increase in profit as the end result.
- More customers and sales – bigger profits
- Better pricing – higher profit
- Better motivated and focused employees – increased profit.
However there are some books that are much more focused on increasing profit, even if you can only increase indirectly by the effect of changes on selling prices, costs and sales volumes.
The Best Books About Profit Improvement
You will only see the books I’ve rated at Four Stars (meaning good and well worth reading) and Five Stars (excellent and very highly recommended).
If you read my reviews, you’ll see I try to explain why I like them but also to identify any weaknesses. My job as a reviewer is to help you to find the most appropriate books rather than to help sell more books.
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by Paul Simister
on June 20, 2020
The full title of this book by Brad Sugars is
The Apprentice Billionaire’s Guide to Cashflow: Turn On the Cashflow and Keep Your Business Booming
In my review posted on, I gave the book a 4 Stars rating. This means it is Good to Very Good.
Here is my book review.
A very lazy update of Instant Cash Flow
The only book by Brad Sugars I’ve every recommended and refer back to regularly is called “Instant CashFlow“.
This is a lazily updated version because the original book has become very dated since it was published in 2000. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on June 18, 2020
The full title of this book by Dan Bradbury is
Turnover Is Vanity, Profit Is Sanity: 9 1/2 Steps to Improving Your Profits & Cashflow
In my review posted on, I gave the book a 4 Stars rating. This means it is Good to Very Good.
Here is my book review.
A thoughtful guide to managing your business for more profit
There are two versions of the banker’s mantra this book is named after. Turnover is vanity, profit is sanity and
1) cash flow is king (as quoted in the book)
2) cash flow is reality (my preferred version).
It’s a saying I’ve used regularly as a financial director and as a business coach. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on June 13, 2020
The full title of this book by Charles E. Gaudet II is
The Predictable Profits Playbook: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Dominating Any Market – And Staying On Top
In my review posted on, I gave the book a 5 Stars rating. This means it is Excellent.
Here is my book review.
An excellent guide to business growth
I bought and read this outstanding book back in 2015 but for some reason, I didn’t review it [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on May 2, 2018
The full title of this book by Steven Bringinshaw is
“The Profits Principles: The practical guide to building an extraordinary business around doing what you love“.
In my review posted at, I rated it as a FOUR stars book which means I think it is very good.
Here is what I wrote.
A very good book packed with general business advice
This book is loosely written around the acronym PROFITS. This stands for Plan, Realise, Optimise, Focus, Improve, Tax and Systemise and, as you can see, this is forced and you have to learn how to interpret the individual words.
While I was reading it, I was hearing echoes of the classic small business guide, The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber. This has the added benefit of avoiding that book’s syrupy writing style while providing more practical “how to do it” guidance. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on February 21, 2018
The full title of this book by Scott Hallman is
“The 7 Success Drivers to HyperGrowth: How America’s Fastest Growing Entrepreneurial Companies Achieve Greatness“.
In my review at, I rated the book at the FIVE Stars level, this means that I consider it excellent.
Here is what I posted.
Packed with important lessons
Many years ago, I bought an excellent audio training product by the author that provided detailed implementation advice for Jay Abraham style marketing and profit building strategies. Since then he’s been one of my favourite experts and I’ve been looking forward to the time when he publishes his first book. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on February 6, 2018
The full title of this book by Verne Harnish is
“Scaling Up: How a Few Companies Make It…and Why the Rest Don’t“.
In my review at, I rated it as a FOUR Stars book, meaning that I think its in the range of good to very good.
Here is what I posted.
How you can grow past the normal constraints on growth
This is an interesting book which looks at how you can push past the constraints which stop most businesses from growing.
It’s split into four sections – people, strategy, execution and cash.
I started reading it and throughout the People section, I was convinced this was going to be a five star book but, the more I read, the more I was tempted to knock off one star. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on June 6, 2017
The full title of this book by Richard Legg is
“Hidden Profits: Get more sales, bigger profits and greater freedom by unlocking the invisible revenue sources that already exist in your business“.
In my review at, I rated this book at the Four Stars level, meaning I consider it to be in the good to very good range.
Here is my review.
Focused on Internet Marketing businesses
This is an interesting book about increasing profit without taking big risks on new marketing campaigns. It is written for Internet marketing businesses but many of the ideas can be applied to more conventional businesses although you’ll have to do more thinking about how you can adapt the ideas. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on February 12, 2017
The full title of this book my Paul Avins is
“Business SOS: 173 Proven, Fast-Acting Strategies to take Your Business from Surviving to Thriving“.
It won’t be a surprise for you to know that I couldn’t resist reading this since I abbreviate my free Business Second Opinion Sessions to Business SOS.
In my review at, I gave the book a Four stars rating. This means that I feel it is in the good to very good category.
Here is my review.
Plenty of ideas to increase sales and profit
This is a good summary of how to improve the results of a business that draws on the ideas of many well known “gurus”.
If you’ve read many small business success books, I don’t think it will include much that’s new to you but, even so, it is a good reminder of what you should be doing.
[continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on January 5, 2017
The full title of this book by Vincent Turner is
“The Secret to Increasing Your Profits – An Introduction to Breakeven Analysis“.
In my review at, I rated the book at the Four Stars level. This means I consider it to be good or very good.
Here is my review.
Short and simple explanation of break even analysis
Business owners need to have financial acumen and the two fundamentals I want them to understand are
1 Break even analysis or as it is sometimes called cost volume profit analysis.
2 The cash flow cycle in a business as a business buys stock, pays for it, makes a sale and collects the cash.
This book looks at the first issue. [continue reading…]
by Paul Simister
on January 4, 2017
The full title of this book by Andre Larabie is
“How To Double Your Profits In 6 Months Or Less: Fast, proven, easy-to- implement strategies to out-perform, out- maneuver and out- profit your competition immediately!“.
In my review on, I rated this book at the Four Stars level. This means it’s good to very good.
Here is my review.
A good, practical book on business growth
There are quite a few profit improvement books with similar titles but different approaches.
This is a good, practical book that looks at profit improvement through business growth rather than cutting costs and eliminating waste. It’s also tactical rather than strategic. [continue reading…]