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Business Planning Books

Business Model Canvas by Sebastian Buch

The full title of this book by Sebastian Buch is

Business Model Canvas: From the idea to business model

In my review posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave the book a One Star rating. This means it is Very Disappointing.

Here is my book review.

Very disappointing, ridiculously short

I bought this “book” and it is ridiculously short. Amazon says it had more than 100 pages but my kindle version has 113 locations and the page numbers at the bottom keep jumping. I don’t know what’s going on and there isn’t a table of contents to point towards missing chapters that weren’t downloaded. (Update – I’ve now noticed that the cover says includes 100 templates so I’m guessing that the physical book has 100 pages of templates.) [continue reading…]

in Other Business Books

90 Shades of Innovation by Alexander M Schmid

The full title of this short book by Alexander M Schmid is

90 Shades of Innovation: Explorative Questions for the Business Model Canvas.

In my review posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave the book 2 Stars.

Here is my book review.

Just questions, no explanations

The full title promises 90 questions to help you with the business model canvas and 90 questions is exactly what you get. There are ten questions for each of the nine sections, so some feel more forced than others.

There is no discussion of the canvas.

No explanation of the questions, comments about any weaknesses in its logic or the common mistakes people make when using it. No checks that there is a logical flow, just the questions. [continue reading…]

in Other Business Books

Why Strategic Plans Fail by Can Akdeniz

The full title of this book by Can Akdeniz is

Why Strategic Plans Fail: Deadly Mistakes of Strategic Planning Explained

In my review to be posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave it Two Stars.

Here is my book review.

Muddled and superficial

I’m an active reader who highlights sections I feel are important.

I highlighted nothing in this book, partly because it doesn’t say much that’s interesting and partly because I knew I would never return to it.

The “about the author” section says he is regarded as one of the most inspiring business authors of our time. Not by me. [continue reading…]

in Other Business Books

The P-Plan for Business by Shirley Mansfield

The full title of this book by Shirley Mansfield is

The P-Plan for Business: How to achieve faster, better business growth

In my review posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave the book a rating of Three Stars. This means it is Worthwhile.

Here is my book review.

How many business words beginning with P can you name?

I immediately found a warning sign with “My P-Plan for Business is a taster of how I can help you”.

The book goes through 30 words beginning with the letter P. Things like planning, planet, proposition etc. [continue reading…]

in Other Business Books

In my review of

A Simple Guide to Planning Your Business by Danielle Grant

posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave the book Two Stars. This means it is Disappointing.

Here is my book review.

There’s a decent book hiding in here

This is very short and the language is quite flowery.

Strangely the author doesn’t use paragraphs, a significant mistake in readability. The author seems confused because the book starts repeating itself.

I’m a believer in planning by answering the who, what, where, when, why questions like the author.

The book needs knocking into shape before I can give it even a mild recommendation. This is a shame but is getting too common with these self published Kindle books.


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in Other Business Books

The One Thing by Gary Keller

The full title of this book by Gary Keller is

The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results

In my review posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave the book Three Stars. This means it is Worthwhile.

Ask yourself why The One Thing is a long book.

This book caused me to have mixed feelings.

The idea that you should focus on the area where you can have the biggest impact on performance makes a great deal of sense. It’s the logic for the weakest link of the chain and the main idea behind the Theory of Constraints. [continue reading…]

in Other Business Books

The Power Of Negative Planning by W Adam Mandelbaum

The full title of this book by W Adam Mandelbaum is

The Power Of Negative Planning: How To Succeed By Beating Murphy’s Law

In my review posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave the book Three Stars. This means it is Worthwhile.

Here is my book review.

Aggressively sarcastic but it makes some important points about protecting yourself and loved ones

I’m surprised there aren’t more books about negative planning, that is, thinking about what can go wrong and doing something about the risk. [continue reading…]

in Other Business Books

Purpose First Then Profit by Ruth Tembe Epie

The full title of this book by Ruth Tembe Epie is

Purpose First Then Profit: Discover The Purpose Of Your Life Then Make Millions Out Of It

In my review posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave the book Two Stars if you buy it and Three Stars if you read it through your Kindle Unlimited subscription.

Here is my book review.

Disappointing for the money it costs to buy, 3 Stars if you read it through your Kindle Unlimited subscription

You know how sometimes an author’s style gels with you and you enjoy reading the book, even if you didn’t get much out of it?

Well I had the opposite problem. [continue reading…]

in Other Business Books

Stop Fu*king Around by Kat Loterzo

The full title of this book by Kat Loterzo is

Stop Fu*king Around, And Figure Out What You Want From Life!: The No BS Guide to Finding Your Purpose and Living with Passion and Flow!

In my review at Amazon.co.uk, I gave the book Two Stars. This means it is Disappointing.

Here is my book review.

Hard hitting self help for women misses the mark

The title tells you this isn’t for the faint-hearted so, if you object to bad language, find another book.

You get the author’s story first, the ups and downs, the crisis and the recovery. [continue reading…]

in Other Business Books

Purpose by Yolanda A Facio

The full title of this book by Yolanda A Facio is

Purpose: Build a Business You Love

In my review posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave the book Three Stars. This means it is Worthwhile.

Here is my book review.

Has some interesting ideas but not sure it adds up

The book tries to cover two situations:

1 – someone thinking about starting a business
2 – someone already with a business

This is ambitious and a stretch too far. It is much better at helping people in the first category as the title suggests. If the author had wanted to cover both, I think it’s better to write the book on two parts. [continue reading…]

in Other Business Books