The topics of persuasion, influence and manipulation cut both ways.
You want to persuade easily but not be easily persuaded.
Manipulation is slightly different. There’s a dark side to manipulation.
You will know you don’t want to be manipulated as it suggests that you’ve been forced to do something against your will.
But do you want to manipulate? To force other people?
Best Books On Persuasion
You will only see the books I’ve rated at Four Stars (meaning good and well worth reading) and Five Stars (excellent and very highly recommended). Reviews of lower rated books appear on but I haven’t brought the reviews across to my own website.
If you read my reviews, you’ll see I try to explain why I like them but also to identify any weaknesses. My job as a reviewer is to help you to find the most appropriate books rather than to help sell more books.
On that note, if you do decide to buy, I’d appreciate it if you could click through to Amazon on my links as (hopefully) I’ll earn a small referral commission.
Some of these books can be very expensive so, if you’re happy with a hard back or paperback book, take a look at the second hand options on Amazon. Personally I only buy if the condition is described as “As New” or “Very Good” unless I’m really keen and forced to drop down to “Good”.
Five Star Books On Persuasion
Triggers by Joseph Sugarman
How to Get People to Do Stuff by Susan M. Weinschenk, Ph.D.
Four Star Books On Persuasion
Persuasion: Dark Psychology by RJ Anderson
Pre-Suasion by Robert Cialdini
The Persuasion Slide by Roger Dooley
7 Secret Motivators That Drive Your Customers to The BUY Button by Susan Friedmann
Mindcontrolmarketing.Com by Mark Joyner
Methods of Persuasion by Nick Kolenda
Influence! by Dan Lok
The 5-Minute Communicator by Clarence Oliver
Emotional Copywriting Revealed by Timothy S Van Milligan
The One Sentence Persuasion Course by Blair Warren
BrainScripts for Sales Success by Drew Eric Whitman
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Copywriting – Internet Marketing – Marketing – Sales Training – Social Media – Specific Niche Markets – Understanding Buyers
Paul Simister is a business coach who helps business owners who are stuck, get unstuck. If your business is based in the UK, you can have a free Business SOS consultation with me to help you get unstuck.