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Best Internet Marketing Books

Love it or hate it but you can’t ignore it. Internet marketing has become an essential part of marketing for small businesses.

I have a separate category for Social Media Books even if there is some mention here.

How The Internet Is Vital To Business Owners

The entire relationship between buyer and seller has swung in favour of the buyer since the Internet was popularised.

Sellers and specifically their salespeople used to be the source of product information beyond catalogues and other marketing promotions. Customers had to make contact early in the buying process.

Now so much information is available on the Internet from the sellers themselves and, often more importantly from other buyers via review websites and social media.

Businesses have four specific issues:

1) Being found when potential buyers are looking. This means getting a good enough place in the search engines from pay per click campaigns and search engine optimisation and then earning the click.

2) Winning preference when people land on your website by appearing different from competitors when Google shows you and many of your closest competitors just a couple of clicks away.

3) Maintaining contact and building a relationship with email and social media.

4) Reputation management through review websites and social media.

Beware Of Expensive Courses

I’ve spent a lot of money over the years with the “internet gurus”, some of it wisely, too much of it not. They have mastered marketing and there is a lot of pressure to buy.

At the time, I never considered how much I could learn from a £10 or £20 book because of the sense that things were so new and changing fast.

The Internet isn’t new and although things can change quickly, it’s been a while since the earth moved and we have only seen modifications and tweaks.

The Best Books On Internet Marketing

You will only see the books I’ve rated at Four Stars (meaning good and well worth reading) and Five Stars (excellent and very highly recommended). Reviews of lower rated books appear on Amazon.co.uk but I haven’t brought the reviews across to my own website.

If you read my reviews, you’ll see I try to explain why I like them but also to identify any weaknesses. My job as a reviewer is to help you to find the most appropriate books rather than to help sell more books.

On that note, if you do decide to buy, I’d appreciate it if you could click through to Amazon on my links as (hopefully) I’ll earn a small referral commission.

Some of these books can be very expensive so, if you’re happy with a hard back or paperback book, take a look at the second hand options on Amazon. Personally I only buy if the condition is described as “As New” or “Very Good” unless I’m really keen and forced to drop down to “Good”.

One word of warning when you get to Amazon. Look at the year a book was published. This can be a fast moving area, for example when Google introduced the Panda and Penguin algorithm changes which, as far as they were concerned, penalised web spam and which as far as I was concerned, penalised people for using search engine optimisation.

This ageing process is one reason why there are a lot of bad Internet marketing books. The other is the vast number of people interested enough to self-publish Kindle books without any kind of quality control or editing process.

The Amazon reviews are an important guide but all it takes is for a few friends of the author to write five star reviews and you could be looking at a misleading picture. You can sometimes tell if this has happened when the reviews are barbell shaped – heavy at both ends but with little in the middle.

Five Star Books On Internet Marketing

Invisible Selling Machine by Ryan Deiss

This book explains how to build an email marketing campaign. You’ve seen it done to you, this is written by someone who excels at doing it.

Four Star Books On Internet Marketing

Books On Copywriting & Persuasion for Websites

How to Write Magnetic Headlines by Copyblogger Media

The Persuasion Slide by Roger Dooley

How to Write Seductive Web Copy by Henneke Duistermaat

Mindcontrolmarketing.Com by Mark Joyner

Launch by Jeff Walker

Books On Email Marketing

Break Through Business Growth Barriers by Darran Hughes

Ask by Ryan Levesque

Book On Social Media (there is also a specialist social media page)

Social Media Marketing Workbook by Jason McDonald

Books On Pay per Click Search Engine Marketing

How to Get Selling on AdWords Fast! by Claire Jarrett

Google AdWords by Ray L. Perry and Phil Singleton

Google AdWords for Beginners by Corey Rabazinski

Books On Search Engine Optimisation ( SEO )

Frugal Business Owner’s Guide to DIY Local SEO by Keith O’Brien

SEO 2017 & Beyond by Andy Williams

Other Internet Marketing Books

Niche Marketing Expert by Gary Booth

Hidden Profits by Richard Legg

Changing the Channel by Michael Masterson and MaryEllen Tribby

Upsells Unleashed by Veena Prashanth

Other Categories Of Business Books Which May Interest You

Business PlanningBusiness Start-UpCoachingCopywritingGetting UnstuckInner GameInternet MarketingKPI & Performance MeasurementMarketingMarketing PsychologyPersuasionPricingProfit ImprovementSocial MediaSystemsUnderstanding Buyers

Paul Simister is a business coach who helps business owners who are stuck, get unstuck. If your business is based in the UK, you can have a free Business SOS consultation with me to help you get unstuck.

Smart Marketing for Engineers by Rebecca Geier

The full title of this book by Rebecca Geier is

Smart Marketing for Engineers: An Inbound Marketing Guide to Reaching Technical Audiences

In my review posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave the book a rating of 4 Stars. It is good and well worth reading.

Well worth reading if you work in a large electronics company

There are few marketing books which look at B2B marketing issues and those that focus on selling technical products or services to engineers are rare and precious.

This one looks at the post Internet development of inbound marketing, sometimes called content marketing. It’s about establishing credibility so customers come to you when they want to buy. This contrasts with traditional marketing where businesses blast out marketing messages to anyone and everyone who might buy some time. [continue reading…]

in Best Business Books

Internet Business Manifesto by Rich Schefren

The full title of this report turned into a book by Rich Schefren is

Internet Business Manifesto: A Big Business Was Just A Small Business That Did The Right Things. A Wealthy Business Owner Was An Opportunity Seeker Who Became An Entrepreneur

In my review posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave the book a rating of 3 Stars. I need to explain.

Here is my review.

How much? That’s ridiculous

It was hard rating this legendary report on Internet marketing at the 3 stars level but let me explain my rating.

1 Star for anyone trying to charge £396 for a printed version of this promotional report. It was available online for free for 10 or more years as a PDF. It’s not worth it at these prices.

5 Stars for the original impact the report had on Internet marketers in general and on me in particular.

Back in the mid 2000s, Internet marketing was often promoted as an easy way to make big money. Thinking back, this was strange when there seemed to be new, essential to know techniques coming out every few weeks. [continue reading…]

in Best Business Books, Internet Marketing, Other Business Books

101 Headline Templates That Crush It by GN Reed

The full title of this book by GN Reed is

101 Headline Templates That Crush It: How To Get Your Emails Opened Fast

In my review posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave the book a rating of 4 Stars. This means it is good and well worth reading.

Here is my book review.

The headline is the “ad for the ad”

All copywriters who get paid for results know the importance of the headline in its role as the ad for the ad.

If you’re sceptical, you just needs to reflect what happens when you read a newspaper, in print or offline. You read the headlines and if relevant it interesting, you’ll read further. Otherwise you don’t have the time to read everything. [continue reading…]

in Best Business Books

How to Get Your Web Content DONE! by Criss Ittermann

The full title of this book by Criss Ittermann is

How to Get Your Web Content DONE!: How to write, what to write, and why you’re writing it

In my review posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave the book a 4 Stars rating. This means the book is good and well worth reading.

Here is my book review.

Short guide to your website packed with common sense

This book won’t take you long to read, probably between 30 to 60 minutes but it will lead you into taking action on your website, whether it’s a new one with blank pages or an existing, under-performing one.

I agree with much of what it says about the purpose and contents for your home page, about pages, products and services page etc. [continue reading…]

in Best Business Books

Website & Marketing Mistakes Coaches Make by Brad Reed

The full title of this book by Brad Reed is

Website & Marketing Mistakes Coaches Make: 12 Critical Mistakes That REPEL Your Ideal Clients…And How To Avoid Them!

In my review posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave this book Four Stars. This means Good and Well Worth Reading.

A detailed and helpful guide to Internet marketing

The author writes well, explaining what he means convincingly and in enough detail to be useful without being boring.

If you’re like me and you’ve read quite a bit about internet marketing, there won’t be that much new but it is likely to be presented in a new way. The focus is on what potential clients will think. [continue reading…]

in Best Business Books

How To Write Great Website Content by Daniel Kaplan

The full title of this book by Daniel Kaplan is

How To Write Great Website Content: Get High In Search Engines and Increase The Leads, Sales or Donations Of ANY Website

In my review posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave the book Four Stars. This means it is Good and Well Worth Reading.

Here is my book review.

Part SEO guide and part copywriting guide.

A useful guide to preparing copy for a website.

I wasn’t entirely convinced by the advice on writing for Google. Ten years ago it used to be fairly easy to write for a high search engine ranking position but Google have deliberately made it much harder to predict. Updates called Panda and Penguin punished aggressive action. [continue reading…]

in Best Business Books

The full title of this book by Maurice ‘Big Mo’ Flynn is

How to Prepare for GDPR and Improve Digital Channels in a Post GDPR World

In my review posted on Amazon.co.uk, I gave the book Four Stars. This means it is Good and Well Worth Reading.

Here is my book review.

The clock is ticking fast – it starts 26 May 2018

As a one man band, I hate it when the government or European Union changes compliance issues and I will generally put things off for as long as I can.

Now I’ve had to face up to what the law requires. [continue reading…]

in Best Business Books

The full title of this book issued by the people behind the Copyblogger website is

How to Write Magnetic Headlines: The Fundamental Guide to the Most Important Copywriting Skill on the Planet“.

In my review at Amazon.co.uk, I gave the book a FOUR stars rating which means I consider it to be in the good to very good category.

Here is what I wrote.

Good summary of headlines for blog posts and Twitter.

Reading the Copyblogger website is on my list of things I should have done more but never seemed to find the time so it was interested when I saw this book about writing headlines.

Yet also a little nervous. A “how to” headline is probably the easiest there is to use and one I fall back on when I’m short of inspiration. [continue reading…]

in Best Business Books

Hidden Profits by Richard Legg

The full title of this book by Richard Legg is

Hidden Profits: Get more sales, bigger profits and greater freedom by unlocking the invisible revenue sources that already exist in your business“.

In my review at Amazon.co.uk, I rated this book at the Four Stars level, meaning I consider it to be in the good to very good range.

Here is my review.

Focused on Internet Marketing businesses

This is an interesting book about increasing profit without taking big risks on new marketing campaigns. It is written for Internet marketing businesses but many of the ideas can be applied to more conventional businesses although you’ll have to do more thinking about how you can adapt the ideas. [continue reading…]

in Best Business Books

Social Media Marketing Workbook by Jason McDonald

The full title of this book by Jason McDonald is

Social Media Marketing Workbook: 2017 Edition – How to Use Social Media for Business“.

In my review at Amazon.co.uk, I gave the book a Four Stars rating. This means I consider it to be good to very good.

Here is my book review.

A very good, action focused guide to the main social media websites

I’m a social media sceptic when it comes to using the websites as marketing media. It works very well for some types of business but not others. It’s a great way to play, while justifying the time spent as working on marketing and promoting your business.

This book is so good that it makes a significant step in converting me from a sceptic to a believer. [continue reading…]

in Best Business Books